
I'd be fine with that, but the irrational fear of any type of radiation has all but killed any implementations of the nuclear age.

I know that spray fields are legal because I live in a major agricultural area where they spray "chicken fertilizer" on fields to raise hay and other stuff. But that fertilizer isn't raw; it's treated much in the same way that sprinkler-type septic tanks use chlorine and other chemicals to treat liquid human waste and

Any farm that sprays raw animal waste are either doing so illegally or sell themselves as an "organic" farm. I'll take industrial fertilizers over raw animal waste any day.

Provide that evidence please. E coli and bacteria are found on all living matter, and they grow and multiply naturally as the living matter breaks down/rots. That is why everyone is advised to cook their meats to certain temperature. That includes top cuts of steak down to hamburger meat.

Now playing

In a day that anything not white breast meat chicken or ribeye is considered by-product, I can't help but think that these types of articles are sensationalist reporting.

Texas here, and I just said tin foil yesterday!

Very true, and it also makes the price per cup even lower.

That's why I also mentioned cleanliness, convenience, and ease of use.

It may be more expensive for the K-cup cup for cup, but when all you want is a single cup of coffee (that is also convenient, clean, easy, etc), you end up losing money by throwing out the rest of the pot.

Well, a short-term solution would be to not allow your PC to go into sleep mode. You can change power options in the Control Panel.

I second the tapestry idea but also with some carpet insulation stapled to the wall under it. Also, a fan will help!

Well, with the right microphone, you can actually record his lecture AND use OneNote to type out outline notes. It will sync your recordings to the outline so if you click a part of the outline it will start the recording at the moment you started typing that note! Even if you get a new laptop, you can still do this,

This is actually a great idea and will allow you to listen to the professor more instead of furiously writing notes. I'm actually working on a study that looks at note-taking so it was funny to see this response since this is one of the alternatives to writing everything down!

Just remember its the cocoa in chocolate that makes it poisonous to dogs, not "chocolate" itself. The level of threat when it comes to chocolate is (from lowest to highest) White Chocolate < Milk Chocolate < Dark Chocolate < Baker's Chocolate.

...so instead of a strap on system with a DVD player and remote I can spent $900-1600 dollars for two screen that I have to sync with iTunes and have no DVD connectivity (and get to try to navigate in the bumpy back seat with my fingers?)? Sign me up!

When you build your own computer, if you are like me, you begin to obsess over the smallest crap and suddenly numbers mean everything. "Wait, I can get a GeForce xxx1 but the xxx2 is only $30 more!" or "I can have an internal USB 2.0 card, but for $35 more I can get the same thing in USB 3.0!" or "500GB HDD for $65,

Are you wearing the socks around the house or paired with shoes?

This comment made my day.

Just a tip from someone who has gone down the automation road:

...just make sure if you need to take the medicine more than once a day to let it cure on the cap without being on the medicine bottle.