
It just makes the light less harsh. I don't like feeling like I am in a police interrogation room.

I got an OCZ Agility 3 120GB SSD for $120 a few months ago. They're getting cheaper, I'd just give it a year or two (maybe this Black Friday will have some good SSD deals).

A lot of LED bulbs have large heat sinks on them. This is one of the first LED bulbs I've seen that keeps the typical bulb form factor.

And to my grandchildren I bequeath two Philips LED bulbs each.

Frost the inside of the bulb and make the color comparable to a natural light output (and make it affordable) and I will buy them.

Haha, now I can tell everyone that I can't be an astronaut because I am too tall instead of too fat!

I had to recheck my post to see if I misspelled tenets!

Yes. I was de-starred and banned on an Apple article a while back (the one where a certain editor said that Apple was responsible for everything technology-related we have today).

1. Occupy Wall Street


Who said they want to be legalized?

Yep, first year in graduate school in a 600 square foot apartment with an awkward dining nook just big enough to stand in. I think I am actually standing next to the living room TV when I shot this.

Well there is only so much one can do with a graduate school income and hand-me-down furniture (and I never said it was a project, it was just in line with the idea that I used the dining room as an office instead of a dining room).

I did something like this in the first apartment I had in graduate school. It wasn't nearly as well executed, but seeing as I lived by myself having a full office instead of a cramped dining room seemed like a no-brainer.

I recently found a mount called the Exomount that uses a single suction cup and then a clasp on the other end to grab any gadget that fits in its jaws. Works pretty damned good.

I have an uncle that did this. Unfortunately he collected the toys by actually eating every kids meal he got the toy from and will very probably die of a heart attack.

Very true. I posted elsewhere on this article about just that. Once we are equalized on all fronts, there will be no lure to shipping manufacturing jobs overseas.

Avatar is a good show, so I feel you there.

What is a Reddit? Reddit?! MORE LIKE BLEWIT!

I don't see how that would go over a 12GB cap. The only thing I would probably do is listen to Slacker via WiFi. A movie every friday night and radio on the way to and from work would fall under that cap pretty easily.