
The sad part is that I was just wishing the other day for an organizing shelf or a bag "catch all" in my office.

Lol I couldn't help but laugh when it said "Rugged" and showed it ruggedly going over a street curb.

Your drive may be defective. I had a 120GB OCZ Agility 3 w/ the (I think) 2.13 drivers and I haven't had any problems.

$1,100 dollars?! Jeebus.

Sometimes you just can't reduce static shock anymore. They make a great anti-static spray that you can find in the laundry aisle of your store that will reduce static for a decent amount of time.

Isn't it obvious? Welcome to the Machine by Pink Floyd.

I think the sense of entitlement we are seeing spans generations, and is more a function of ideology than time.

Say what you will about Samsung, but they make a sturdy phone. Way back in the day when I had a Blackjack II I dropped it off my second-story balcony onto some wet concrete (it was raining).

Perfect example of swatting a fly with a sledgehammer.

We're going to need a bigger bucket....

Killin' is my business, and business is good!

But the affective response people think of when they think of Wal-Mart is :( and Target is :). It's not so much that Target and Apple don't engage in bad practices, it's that they don't weigh as heavily on people's opinions as they do for Wal-Mart and Exxon.

Yes. I was banned and destarred about two months ago. You are the 4th or 5th person to mention it....maybe one day I'll get my star back, but I doubt it.

Not the dead ones.

Oh they are just as bad. I find it difficult to believe that over the past 20 years the mpg on a truck has only increased by 1-2mpg.

Do you REALLY believe that Target and Apple's business models are so different from Exxon and Wal-Mart that don't employ similar corporate tactics to increase profit?

I like how Apple is worth more than Exxon and operates at a higher profit margin but gets a pass at being labeled another "evil corporation" while Exxon does not.

In psychology, we define creativity as the sum of three functions: quality, elegance, and originality. Apple is far from original but they are excellent at elegance (simplicity) and quality.

That's an interesting point and I hadn't considered that. Do you think, however, that Apple makes up for that disparity at least in some part with their hardware line up? As far as I know, the only hardware Microsoft has manufactured in the recent future is the Xbox360 (and accessories), the Zune, some computer

Why conduct R&D when you only refresh existing product lines and people eat it up?