
The large amount of dirt in the bed of the truck is acting as a counterweight.

I've heard that Western Digital Live TV is very good at that as a hardware solution. Software-wise yo may want to check out TVersity or PlayOn.

Honestly, it comes down to features for Roku vs. Apple TV. To get 1080p, either way you have to spend $99, so it really comes down to features and extras that come with the boxes.

Not only that, but a vast majority of android tablets do NOT run Honeycomb and as a result, are basically a large cell phone running a browser that by definition is a cell phone browser. While I don't think it is 50/50 split, I do think that a lot more Android tablets are out there than people think.

I'm willing to bet 85% of that spectrum use is streaming movies or music. The "cloud" is here.

Doing what?!

Exactly what are you constituting as tablet web traffic? 3G tablet data? Wifi? You may also not be considering that a lot of Android tablets that aren't using Honeycomb and above are essentially using the same browser as a cell phone...how would the source article discern the difference between a cell phone and a

What I thought when I heard the last voice (minus the British accent):

A lot of scientific research, especially in the psychological field, counters your intuition. In fact, the entire forbidden fruit hypothesis is based on the idea that by making something illegal, especially when the reasons for making something illegal are not understood or are seen as illegitimate, will increase the

Well, we were able to do that at the place I worked at. Just get to know the cook and ask them. I can't speak for NY, but it isn't against Texas and Oklahoma law to bring something in to be cooked, it's just on the person who brought it in if they get sick.

Oh I know exactly what is coming out of California. Perhaps I am just a little flustered at the rate of bullshit that is coming out of that state.

That's assuming that girls are even looking at these pictures. I'm guessing that like Playgirl, the biggest demographic looking at these pics are other men.

Then again, if we try to make everything that may cost tax payers a penny or two down the road in healthcare costs (and how many tanners do you know who can pay for tanning but not basic health insurance?) then we are on a short road to government-approved diets, exercise plans, and regulations to the point that any

The same way that making pot illegal has stemmed the use of it over the past 80 years? The problem is that the laws making them illegal are seen as illegitimate in the first place, and therefore the laws are broken.

How many orphan tanners do you know? If they don't have parents they have a legal guardian of some sort.

What happened to parental responsibility? We are getting to the point where we feel the government knows what is better for us than our own parents, or that there are parents out there who feel that they should vote their own beliefs on to other families simply because they "know what is best". The people of San

Haha, true. But not 60% ;)

Lol that wasn't the article I was expecting, but good call regardless.

The problem is that the price for a basic package (1 DVD and Streaming) went from $8.99 less than two years ago to over $17.00 without an increase in service or benefit. Streaming used to be FREE and now it costs $1 more by itself than it did two years ago with the 1 DVD option.

Oh Reed Hastings....you send me an email personally apologizing for your bullshit and yet you change nothing. Then you feed me the Qwikster bullshit but you change nothing (that we care about, like pricing). Then you remove Qwikster and yet still change nothing we care about. Then you lose Starz.