What if you are a huge Biggie fan?
What if you are a huge Biggie fan?
Thank you for saying this. This is just so stupid and not even funny.
Every time you write an article like this and cry “plagiarism” ... even in jest ... where there is none, you strengthen the opposition. It allows them to go, “See ... fake news” and encourage people to ignore anything said about the President, even when it’s true.
So where’s the plagiarism aside from the five words “back to you... the people”?
This actually makes a lot of sense. They’re obviously targeting high-income individuals. The types who would routinely purchase $100k+ vehicles. A 60-month term on a $100,000 car at 3% roughly translates to $1,700.00 a month. For $1,500.00 month you get access to luxury sports sedans, luxury SUVs, and crossovers,…
Wait Wait, Don’t Tell Me...
The pipeline is not being run in Sioux lands. 99% of it is private land and the river crossing spot is on federal land. Not tribe land.
The oil that would be transported by this pipeline is already being produced, it’s just currently being transported by more carbon intensive means such as truck transport. This pipeline won’t create more digging.
Let’s all take a moment to marvel at the fact that Venus Williams won the tournament that year, and made it to the 4th round this year.
You couldn’t have timed that collapse better if you tried.
Probably no more than the Renegade already has on.
Only appropriate that on 4th of July the American once again conquers the Brit.
Give the kid a break, he learned how to play defense from James Harden.
Actually, the other ones are usually BA.
Really should consider changing the title to “Liberal Arts Majors Are Bullshit”.
I found out how to make $1358 a day using Google and I want to show you how!
I’d tell everyone to shut it down and leave, but the escalators are broken...