
Hey Sony, get this guy to write The Emoji Movie "Number Two"


It has a GREAT dance-fight scene

It has money in the name! How could it NOT be a success??

That just means its gonna be a musical

Ok but actually, a John Carpenter Syfy anthology series sounds kick-ass

I bet she can't wait to inherit your collection of wrinkled and slightly sticky Pokemon cards

I dunno. I can't imagine a world where I love a human more than Pulp Fiction

Funny, MINE is I Love Kids, Except Your Kids, Yes Only Your Kids Because They Are Uniquely Horrible Assholes

IMHO, the system broke the second Trump won. He's discredited basically the entire playbook of politics in America just by winning. The presidency has lost all luster or prestige it once had. He's filling the government with sycophants and plutocrats that only care about dividing up the spoils of power. Not to mention

Until I see Donald Trump's bloated, reeking corpse lowered into hell I refuse to believe he's done with

Hey! Don't compare my farts to those half-crazed geriatric nutballs. How disrespectful!

Cause that hole he's digging has stopped him so far

I tried watching the anime like 3 times and stopped watching at the same point all three times, and did the same thing with the manga, so I get what you're saying

As long as he's in a wheelchair again

That's not how the song goes!


Who knows what that lil' rascal will get up to next!

I figured you'd name it Eddie Murphy

Jesus these are my straight up worst nightmares. I don't know how you guys survived through that