Some trivia for you, since you seem to dig it:
Some trivia for you, since you seem to dig it:
I used to have to travel to Sao Paulo frequently for my work, when I was with a large Fortune 500 company that had offices down there.
Have you ever drank a Ref Bull? If you had to drink that stuff all the time you'd be in a bad mood, too.
Seb’s new demeanor he’s picked up with Ferrari is a godsend. It’s like having Kimi on his A-game all over again, honestly.
I’ll let the video speak for itself.
Winter is coming (winter IS coming), and while the unknowledgeable of the world complain about doing things with…
Formula One is among the top sports in the world, and it is headed by demented flop-haired muppet and megalomaniacal…
“It’s a pretty basic understanding that it’s an entertainment sport, not a fair sport,
I seriously used to be a diehard nascar fan. Like since I was 3 years old. Now it has become a joke. We laugh and joke about F1 with people saying there leaving, only 1 car dominating, etc etc, but NASCAR makes F1 look like freakin Elon Musk with his shit together, and NASCAR is stuck squabling on Maury whether he was…
Land of the free, home of the brave, and birthplace to some of the most legendary racing organizations the world has…
Hold on. I thought only internet debates go straight to Nazis and Hitler. How did Nazis end up on a printed note?
One or two cool cars showed up to Rennsport Reunion this weekend.