
Some trivia for you, since you seem to dig it:

I used to have to travel to Sao Paulo frequently for my work, when I was with a large Fortune 500 company that had offices down there.

Have you ever drank a Ref Bull? If you had to drink that stuff all the time you'd be in a bad mood, too.

Seb’s new demeanor he’s picked up with Ferrari is a godsend. It’s like having Kimi on his A-game all over again, honestly.

Bro Diesel Trucks, all of them. If you roll coal, you’re getting a fist sandwich.

Anything stanced

The Gen4 Viper ACR. The even experienced drivers have a hard time taming it. It has the bear legal minimum of driving aids. You mess up, you die.

Killed 25% of their owners

It’s a pretty basic understanding that it’s an entertainment sport, not a fair sport,

Coming up on late news after America’s Singing Ninja Talent.

I seriously used to be a diehard nascar fan. Like since I was 3 years old. Now it has become a joke. We laugh and joke about F1 with people saying there leaving, only 1 car dominating, etc etc, but NASCAR makes F1 look like freakin Elon Musk with his shit together, and NASCAR is stuck squabling on Maury whether he was

Hold on. I thought only internet debates go straight to Nazis and Hitler. How did Nazis end up on a printed note?

yea... it was pretty amazing.

I disagree.

One or two cool cars showed up to Rennsport Reunion this weekend.