
Or, or, or....NASCAR?

And I thought the collapse in oil prices and the horrible economy in Venezuela would end his funding but here we are.

€v€ryon€ know$ €xa¢tly why h€’$ th€r€.

Yeah, I thought the new guy was putting a stop to all that. Maybe Maldonado is high profile enough in Venezuela that it would be bad PR.

I thought PDVSA would pull their sponsorship of Pastor after Hugo Chavez died. My understanding was that he pushed PDVSA to put out tons of money to promote Venezuelans in sport.

The problem is that he didn't have a false plate as the alternate. The empty space just draws eyes. Plus, yeah, don't swap while you're around the Mounties.

I imagine that forfeiting the car still wouldn’t cover the cost of the tolls.

Maldonado crashed for the first time in more than 100 days and it wasn’t even his fault?

You know, the only thing that pisses me off about that is the fact that it has to be wrapped up in a dick measuring exercise. God knows that we all don’t know how to do this or that but promoting such a stupid fucking book while failing at the exercise is just simply pathetic and rage worthy. Collectively, they have

E46 M3 GTR - First 3 series with a V8, super limited homologation special, and I believe it is one of the best looking 3-series cars ever made.

No worries, if you can’t see my wry smile I can definitely see where it comes off as a dick comment.

LM P1 rallycross - great idea!!!

Does it do sick jumps? How much extra brand recognition would Nissan receive if LeMans had jumps along the Mulsanne straight instead of chicanes?