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    That's nuts. A guy I follow on twitter had a window fly open mid flight. luckily it was a small plane at relatively low altitude.

    Random though I just had: Could these people be scammers hoping you pay them before hand? That may explain the flaking out once they realize you actually wanted to see it. That said, I know it sounds outlandish. No idea if scamming is a huge problem on Craigslist though.

    Hay is way harder than I expected.

    Flagging down a cop is certainly not a great idea. But the truck driver did it in a reasonable way and the cop clearly felt like he was at fault(eventually). The exchange between them stayed civil. In the end, the outcome seems net positive.

    I blame GoDaddy for anything Danica Patrick related. Funny, GoDaddy recently filed for an IPO and they aren't profitable after 17 years they've existed. In a way, it's a reflection of Danica Patrick: lots of hype, little result.

    What is V8 super cars like compared to other race series? We don't get V8 super cars on TV here a whole lot but it looks like a cool series.

    Why would you sit there and argue with a guy with a gun?

    Sad to see something like this happen. Hope it's recovered.

    Relevant. The whole thing is a clusterfuck, but this is spot on. No one from the country is organized enough so the power vacuum is left for the groups that can gather supporters.

    Yeah, Lauer is full of shit.

    Now playing

    Friend of mine (orange shirt/visor) built a mini tractor pull for an engineering class at UT.

    I had missed the original video. I can't figure out what the hell is going on in it. This is bizarre yet somehow awesome. brb going to watch it again.

    FWIW, Goldman had a preview note out last night that expected a downward revision to -2% so -2.9% is a bit worse but not by a whole lot. But it's a revision so not a lot of surprise. They also said they aren't worried about the rest of the year because other indicators are holding up. I'm not concerned unless Q2 is

    He had a good sense of humor about it.

    Actually I lived on a street where if two cars parked on each side of the street it would make the road impassable. it wasn't illegal until an ordinance was passed banning parking on one side of the street. So, again you can't go and pick a random public space, occupy it and charge people to get you to move. Still

    That's fucking moronic logic. Nowhere can you go and occupy a random public space and force people to pay you for it. By that logic you could block a street and charge a toll for people to get to their houses.

    We should just give it to Arkansas.

    It's not sad. It's not a real currency and it will fail miserably. and NASCAR fucking sucks all around.