BlazinAce - Doctor of Internal Combustion

Just a wee little correction there Torch; the word Fusca is a local mispronounciation of Volks, which is what Volkswagens are commonly called in Brazil. The portuguese word for Beetle is Besouro, and some people do refer to the car by it, mostly due to north american influence. You’ll also hear people calling the

Incredible write up Raph, simply amazing!

Botswana Special. Don't really know why, it just had something in the scope they give to their road trips that was even more special in that one.

And it's over... Goodybe.

Thank you. Just thank you.

Glad to see the Botswana Special ranking high. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever seen on television. Even if it wasn’t on television, but on a monitor.

Popular? They’re still made here, believe it or not, hahaha... Of course they don’t look like that anymore, but the best selling sedan in Brazil still is the old Corsa sedan released in the 90’s. It’s changed nameplates three times, and it’s still going Strong.

Maybe, but I was thinking more along the lines of a first generation Corsa.

Just for a bit of context, the reason there were so many offshoot locally designed cars built on the Beetle platform in Brazil, is because imports were banned during the military regime, and, nationalizing the manufacturing process expensive as it was, the auto industry nearly stagnated as a result, so people had to

For some reason people here love putting other cars’ headlights on beetles. No idea where those came from at a first glance though.

The cat's pretty cool about it too. He walks up to the spar, looks out and just yawns all like "damn, not this again..."

Not at all. Odds are I'm probably a bit of a pyromaniac, to be honest.

I was actually just about to ask about the Vette in that Dodge ensemble.

No way, this can’t be real... can it?

So... they went out of their way to reboot the series, and make damn sure people knew about it, only to make the exact same game they've been making for the last decade or so, but with stance? Meh, I'll pass.

Holy crap, Miyamoto's one tiny dude.

I honestly can’t think of a sport I dislike more than soccer right now, and not because of the Le Mans coverage issues. For starters, people here in Brazil won’t shut the holy fuck up about it, and how it’s the greatest thing ever and how you must have problems if you don’t like it or if you like a different sport.

Yup. I doubt these issues would be a problem at all in the US, but that’s the kind of country Brazil is. There’s an express way in Rio called Linha Vermelha (Red Line) where this kind of thing is so common you can expect to see people driving the wrong way when criminal activity peaks. It's not just criminals on bikes

While I agree to most of your points and don’t mind lane splitting in a country with roads and lanes as wide as those in the US, there are a few things that need be observed.

As for the engine size, I'd say 1.4 is the "average" engine size here, while 2.0 is considered a big engine.