Well, to be honest, they are pretty similar cars, it wasn't really a mistake, don't worry about that :)
Well, to be honest, they are pretty similar cars, it wasn't really a mistake, don't worry about that :)
My god, look at that red Mustang sliding everywhere...
Yessir, it was the 250F. They're not the same car though, as there's almost 20 years between the 4CLT and the 250F
Ah yeah, we got those too. It was called Ipanema and, by the early 90's, everyone knew that if you saw a white one, it was an ambulance, if it was a black one, it was a hearse, and if it was a black and white one, you were going to jail hahaha...
That's actually not so bad. Looks a bit like a mini Omega, something they never achieved with the Monza/Ascona here in Brazil. These were all sold as Chevrolets here and, odd as it may sound, while the rest of the world scorned them for being absolutely terrible cars, they still have fan clubs here.
AKA, how to ruin a perfectly good Mustang. What hurts the most is that, following the release of the movie, you could have your 67 Mustang converted into one of these in exchange for big quantities of money.
The 55 was by far the best of them all, really.
Be glad you're in one piece... A few weeks ago, a friend of my dad was driving through a small backroad in northern Rio Grande do Sul at night when he was ambushed by two armed men who shot him dead, took the car and everything inside, and dumped the body by the road. The criminals have yet to be found, and I doubt…
What the hell is this? Opel Kadett sedan? I'd never seen one, only the Hatchback was sold in Brazil.
Well, there's nothing more merican than a big honking SUV, is there?
Time travel, giant scarf... right...
Damn timing... Last night there was a 5 car pile up caused by a drunk driver on one of the avenues on my commute to college. Guy made an illegal left in his truck and smashed into four other cars who were waiting at a stoplight. No injuries or deaths reported, but the cars were pretty much goners. I'm glad I wasn't…
this, for example.
No, no, no. No hood pins for me please. Racing style hood pins, real or fake, are a staple among "xuneiros" the worst kind of ricers Brazil has to offer.
That's true, it did last far longer than it should have, but one could also see it as our own Panther platform car. Both had traditional designs taken directly from the 60's, both lasted far longer than they should amid more modern cars, both were a favorite of law enforcement and law breakers, and both left a…
I'll say, it's not a proper answer, but then again what cars are actually Braxilian or last long enough to become a lifeless hulk of their former selves...?
I don't think Brazil ever had a strong economic momentum and national makers to be proud of during said times, but if there's one car that's all about show and no substance, and that was released specifically during a relatively strong time for Brazil, it's the Veloster, specially white ones. Costing upwards of 100…
Oh yeah, I've been held at gunpoint already and so has my brother...