This comment is so perfect I'm speechless.
This comment is so perfect I'm speechless.
It's the same here in Brazil. I have a colleague who has an armored Ford Focus because his family is relatively well off and they're scared to death of him being abducted on the way to college. You most likely won't find many houses without high metal fences or store fronts that aren't gated off from the street…
You can't not have guns down here. I have two, a .22 rifle and a .38 revolver. You can't really get permit for guns either, so they're bith illegal.
Trust me, it' not a status thing.... Just this weekend, a former patient of my mom's was driving home with another three passengers when two robbers jumped in front of the car and opened fire, killing all four. They took whatever valuables they could find and took off, probably never to be found again.
My car drawing skills are so bad I could probably pass for a bling man... Never tried drawing books but I don't think they would've worked for me either...
I don't have any stories, as I passed on my first try with no demerits, but my sister once failed for an absolutely ridiculous reason: curbing the wheel on parallel parking on a street with no sidewalks or curbs. The tester told her that, had there been a curb, she would have not only curbed the wheel, but climbed the…
"But you, Troll, also did this company a favor: you have forced Gawker Media to give the problem — the state of our commenting system and specifically its failures — the attention it deserves. You've actually done some good around here, Troll!"
What, no mention of the Twin Cam engine and its brilliant ability to rev forever, and its intoxicating raspy metallic scream? :p
- Italian
At first, I didn't like the facelifted grille, but now I finally see what they tried and succeeded at. If I were in the market for a large sedan, this would be it, no question.
This. A hundred times this. If a person likes this kind of stuff, there are places on the internet where they can go see it without having it forced on them. Also, if a person likes this kind of stuff, wtf man?
Sorry, but I don't think I've ever seen a single gory rape gif in a Jalopnik comment or thread. It's obvious these people are aiming Jezebel, and not Gawker in general, and I wouldn't be surprised if their reasoning for doing so is "lol wimenz"
I don't think Gawker is leaving you guys to deal with this shit yourselves due to a readership bias. They would've done the same were it any other blog. The problem are all the immature dickwads who spend their time lurking and starting crap because "lol wimmenz". And I agree, telling readers to grow a thicker skin…
I'm realy glad this got shared to Oppo, otherwise we probably wouldn' even heard of it. Just because this doesn't affect our small community directly doesn't mean this isn't any less serious or straight up disgusting. Is there anything us readers can do to help?
There you go, one reason less to ignore helping out someone because you're "not legally required". I mean, you are legally required after all.
Personally, that's how I saw it. It's hard to claim Stewart is completely innocent, but I doubt he took a look at the kid and just decided to murder him. On the other hand, Ward was just as reckless by charging at a speeding race car.
Great resume of the whole mess, let's hope this puts all the comments calling Stewart for straight up murdering Ward in cold blood to rest. They way I see it, gunning the engine to try and slide the car around Ward or gunning it to scare/spray him with mud are the only realistic options here, with Ward's death being…
Oops, my bad, I got my rights and lefts confused again. I meant the RHD racers, as I recall seeing pictures of a car claimed to be an original Le Mans racer with the sitck to the right of the driver's seat in a magazine once.
Huh... Yeah, when an exposed pedestrian tackles a person inside a car, the latter tends not to die. Surprising, I know. Just for the sake of curiosity, if a person ran into a well marked detonation ground as demolition charges went off, would you charge the demolitions company with murder because they failed to…
Honestly, I think this is even worse. Jaywalkers don't intentionally run up to a car, like this guy did.