BlazinAce - Doctor of Internal Combustion

God, yes. I can't say I'm discarding the possibility that Tony gunned it to scare/spray the kid and that's when things got out of hand, but braking and turning to swerve out of the victim's way is literally the second stupidest thing you could do in that situation.

Look, I'm not sating Stewart is innocent, but if you walk towards a car at speed expecting not to be run over, maybe you shouldn't be near cars at all. There are two people to blame for this clusterfuck, and one of them died.

Power sliding is new?

I may no longer have a Gulf 944 ChumpCar, but this sure would look nice next to my Salzburg 944. (Or anything, really.) If you don't love classic Le Mans liveries, I'm not sure we can be friends.

The interior is spartan, but functional. This particular car is a right hand drive model, yet the shifter is to the driver's right along the door sill.

Jesus, stop saying legally required in these kinds of situations. A little common sense trumps legality any day in my book, specially in situations like this, where simply calling emergency would have sufficed. I agree with the rest of your comment though.

This. Stewart isn't innocent by all means, but if you jump in front of a car at speed expecting not to be run over, maybe you shouldn't be near cars at all...

Damn, how have things changed. I remember when the first generation games had just come out in Brazil, and there was this big event where they would distribute Mew for free along with a certificate of authenticity... Now everything is done online and you don't have to travel to another freaking state altogether just

I don't know man, in my opinion, both men were at fault. You don't exit your car and sprint to the middle of a live race track like that, yellow or not, but at the same time, you don't brush a past a guy in a race car to scare him or spray him with dirt or whatever. I referrenced two clowns in my comment, not just

I've no words to express what I'm feeling right now. Racing is already dangerous enough without these clowns pulling stunts like this. So much for driver camarederie...

That's still pretty impressive, I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if my entire car was about as tall as the Royale's bonnet.

17 is pretty crappy alright... my 1995 Fiat Sedicivalvole does a bit less than that and it still requires 100 octane gas to boot. To be honest, though , the guilt I can live with, but the cost...

Not to mention this is exactly the kind of thing we'd discuss if we were in a bar talking about new cars that just came out.

There's gotta be the exception that confirms the rule, and this guy is it!

And it just had to be a Subaru... :p

Aw, we're not that bad... In fact, I don't think I've ever seen any kind of intolerance towards bisexual, homosexual or any other -sexual groups in Oppo, at least that wasn't shunned by the community or resulted in banhammers. Other than the organized crossblog trolling which we haven't done in years, I think Oppo is

Also, people get their panties in a twist pretty quick when the presenters poke fun at their general direction, but the people that get their balls busted the most in the show are the presenters themselves. Or we were supposed to think that Clarkson's attempt at a police car was sincere, and not a big joke?

Also, the only way they'll make me give up driving in case it gets outlawed is by shooting me. Drive free or die.

Jesus motherfucking Christ, did a car murder his parents in front of him or something? All that sexist hogwash isn't even the worst part of his article, it's the fact that liking cars is akin to a crime in his eyes that I can't understand. I mean, it's totally ok to be into tabloids and gossip rags and all that