
I don’t know if that’s true? He committed the horrible crime of actually liking Last of Us 2, and quite a few of his own fans came for him pretty hard about it to the degree where he made a follow-up video arguing with their comments. I get the impression more that the reviews from people like him and Yahtzee are

Yeah, how dare Dunkey have a sense of humor? Who does he think he is?

So I was one of the like...six people on the planet who didn’t hype themselves to Mars prior to the release of this game

Okay, but what if, and hear me out here, they put it on Game Pass

Sea of Thieves is some of the most fun I’ve had with friends, and still looks absolutely breathtaking in 4k. Best water in a game, ever, period. 

So basically it took them six years of grinding workers to the bone to come out with… the pirate mechanics of AC4 but made worse with a bunch of live-service elements no one asked for?

I work in the industry and I’ve been studying the evidence just to get a better understanding of 1) What happened and 2) how I and my peers can learn from it. Movie making has this veener of unreality. It’s all pretend so there is this complacency one can develop that nothing really bad can happen. Yet, it so can, and

COOP Only BTW. That’s a Huge oversight to not include.

Anthem was breaking people's consoles, had nearly nothing to do, and nobody praised its story. Cyberpunk was just unfinished and slow

Revive the game? It would be nice to have I guess but even as someone that actually really enjoyed the game (played before the recent patch even, there really is a good game under the mess), I feel fairly done. Maybe when/if significant DLC comes out, but not really the base game again.

The Bechdel Test was always more useful in the aggregate than as a critique of individual works, which is the opposite of how it’s usually deployed. It’s possible to make a good movie about just men, or just women, so often it’s easy enough to defend any given film. It’s only really damning when you realize that most

I don’t think the Bechdal test is the end all be all of how well women characters are represented. It's a good indicator, but not the only one. For instance, there is also the Mako Mori test, which I would say LOTR passes.

Yes, Tolkien wrote very few female characters.
Now tell us how racist HP Lovecraft is.  I’m sure that will be a big shocker to lots of people.

...it’s important to contextualize them as a means to often support larger, more complex and diverse stories.

It’s your pet, not everyone else’s. Leave the dog at home, especially if you’re going to a restaurant.

No offense, but this is one of those things that shouldn’t matter to anyone.


This game is getting wildly mixed reviews. I assume that means it’s likely not a bad game. It seems to be really working for a lot of people. I wanna support it just because I want to support westerns, since it’s a pretty limited genre. But I’m afraid, haha.

I’ve got some extra money that’s just been sitting in my

Nothing ever happens.

Are you being deliberately obtuse or are you actually dull enough to not get the absolute basics of why pausing is a good thing for games to let you do?