Peanut Butter Pinecone

I take it you haven't played in a while. They are constantly adding new content and new worlds with different mechanics. The night levels were made in a medieval themed world where the Mushrooms are used. They have a beach level which brings back water, but this time there is a tide so the water will go in and out.

If Nintendo can make Amiibos be used in their smartphone games, they open up a wider audience of people that can utilize them. Those games that make you wait before you can continue playing? Amiibo's can be used once a day to instantly replenish whatever item they use to restrict gameplay.

I really need to play this game again, probably will play 3. The problem is I play through games at a pretty slow pace and it's best for me to not be playing too many games at once. My gaming is pretty much booked until summer. Metroid Prime 3 is on the list, but next I'm revisiting the Mega Man Battle Network series.

I picked up this show because I've seen a lot of buzz for it. I figured there would be a 'trapped in the game' scenario, it's pretty much a staple trope for a story based on MMO gameplay. This is the series I started watching after finishing up Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood... the contrast is severe. In real

That's a good point, wearing 3D glasses was a downside to the experience. It's why I enjoyed the 3DS so much because I got to experience 3D without glasses. I don't wear glasses so it's not comfortable to me to wear something like that, especially if I'm relaxing doing something like watching a movie or playing a

I see some demos of people using their hands and motion to do things which really disinterests me. I'm cool with VR giving the player the 'ultimate display' but I have no interest in waving my arms around to do things. Having the right control scheme is important. Not being able to glance and see the keyboard/mouse

Conventions can come with all kinds of sickness. Since these events are not an everyday thing, people will not just stay home if they are ill. For these people, PLEASE be courteous! Make sure to cover your face when sneezing/coughing. Taking cough suppressants is also not only soothing but helps prevent spreading the

I haven't played the game but the grunt and the questioning of 'what's the matter' doesn't seem to make sense without the line they cut.

I'm excited for S.T.E.A.M. The problem is I don't find the New 3DS worth it and I would really like to use the FE characters in the game. The external NFC adapter isn't coming out for awhile (to promote New 3DS sales of course) and I will probably be done with this game and playing other things by the time it's

Mega Man is tough to cosplay as. The boots and arms make or break the costume. They did an excellent job.

Sasuke is already the main character :P

I wonder if Naruto is also in the game.

There is a couple things you could try. If you can get a 'rare' one you don't particularly care for or an extra for MSRP then try trading it for the Rosalina/Ike. I'm not sure where to trade for them, but it has to be going on somewhere.

I was waiting for someone to jump on me for getting two :P One to open, one to keep in the box. I'm not scalping them, they are both purely for myself. The few Amiibos that are my favorite, I will buy two for the exact same reason. This has been my plan for certain ones well before any Amiibos ever went on sale.

There really hasn't been a lot of games to come out since Amiibos were released. Most do in fact use them. After the holiday season new releases are sparse. Things pick up in the spring and the Amiibo unlocks for Codename S.T.E.A.M are incredible, can't wait.

Usually the stores never have any of the 'rare' ones in. Recently, after checking my local store for about the hundredth time, I finally saw one, and it was one I had wanted the most... Mega Man. I promptly bought both. Never give up checking, even if it feels pointless at times.

The D-Pad on the 3DS is soooo crisp. It's the best D-Pad I have ever used. I haven't played the New 3DS, I wonder if the D-Pad is the exact same.

I don't like the placement of the ABXY buttons. The X button is almost in the middle of the controller.

PS1 was a more enjoyable ride. Had a great time with all the Mega Man titles, Ape Escape, and Monster Rancher. The PS2 wasn't bad, but eventually lost me to the original Xbox with Phantasy Star Online, Halo, and the controller S.

I was always baffled the PS2 only had 2 controller ports. Even the PS1 only having 2 felt a bit weak late in the generation. Yes, I know of the peripherals.