Peanut Butter Pinecone

I don’t know if it’s a ZOMG thing.
For me, it’s more about a kind of innocence we can’t have back since the rise of the corporate-ized internet and the pocket computer phone.
When I was living in them, I didn’t think I’d miss the 90s... but I really do. Maybe I’m just getting old...but it was a pretty special decade not

This isn’t “inspiration,” this is plagiarism.

wow....FF music is really going down the shitter. I though XIV ARR music was bad when I was playing, but it appears its getting even worse. I like when worlds collide as a song, but holy shit over a game its its just 90s AMV amateur hour

The Vita was doomed to failure the very moment Sony’s head got big enough to give the middle finger to Capcom. I still think that the millions of dollars that they poured into SFV is to somewhat atone for that, but it’s too late, MonHun is with Nintendo and Nintendo, who understands the value of it will keep it there.

Well, it’s not spaceships, but Guns of Icarus Online is that with airships if you play Engineer.

The xbox one supports hdmi switches. The ps4 does not (unless they are ac powered). I have my 360, wii u and xb1 one on my splitter and the ps4 has its own hdmi directly to the back of my two port tv. Go get one man they are like 7 bucks on amazon! And my ps4 is dusty as hell too, the exclusives on the xb1, of which

So you like her just because she’s a woman? That’s a weird reason to vote for someone.

She didn’t win. It was a tie. No reason Bernie should concede. The “first woman” to TIE in the Iowa caucus, riding on her hubbys coat-tails, and all the other free rides the Wall St Banksters are giving her. Pffu.

And here, we have a wild Hilary supporter! Crikey! Look at their inability to answer questions about Hilary’s blatant corruption! Watch as it furrows its brow in confusion when asked to come up with a reason she should be president other than “she’s a woman!” Careful though! This little buggah will get vicious if you

its not that crazy. He has set a ridiculous amount of records, learned how to throw from the pocket with unreal accuracy, all with mediocre receivers and a so-so line. He also had the best 5 game stretch in the history of the NFL, and it wasn't that close. Amazing deep ball accuracy, limits turnovers, learned to make

I’d choose him over any quarterback in the league right now.

Great, that 8 month old article has nothing to do with MSFT’s statement less than two weeks ago saying they’re focusing in the near term on battery life and production version manufacturing methods to increase the FOV. The limiting factor here is battery life (2.5-5.5 hours). The models being released aren’t even

I must say, I’m way more excited about AR than VR at the moment.

Im not really seeing it. Your conclusion might be a little bit of a stretch.

That was my first reaction too. My second reaction was to view the line and square as a wire and plug for a phone line.

The more attention this thing gets the more dirt on The Fine Bros seem to appear.

Exactly what I thought. Final Fantasy = New Metal Gear Solid.

They’re no longer RPGs, to be honest. They’re hack and slash/action games.

I suppose the good news is that after Final Fantasy XIII, this and I assume the upcoming bastardization of VII remake, when they FINALLY return to form on consoles and make a good, traditional Final Fantasy, it will be considered refreshing and fun again.

“stupid dumbos” Yup let’s go with realtime because we have not had any game that fulfilled that need for the past 5 years. Derp!