
I have seen it (but have not seen Gomorrah). It's OK. Pretty interesting thematically and well acted, but otherwise pretty conventional by Neorealist standards. It never really committed to the blackly comic tone it was going for and was too based in naturalism to make full use of its premise. Based on the two films

I've seen this movie and its a noble failure at best. The pacing is more than "creaky" it's completely jarring and terrible. This film feels like there was never any real plan as to how the three stories were going to be edited together. On top of that the acting is totally inconsistent and the dialogue is stilted and

Can all agree that while Creed is undeniably accomplished this was pretty obvious idea and if Coogler hadn't made it a film like this would undoubtedly have gotten made.

That really doesn't make sense. All he's saying is that fact that the actress hadn't really come into her own yet suits the character well.

Speaking of Wim Wenders and the Palme D'or I wonder if he would consider abandoning your family, showing up out of the blue years later, taking your now estranged son away from the people who raised him, emotionally manipulating the wife you abandon, and leaving your child with her even though she either can't or

Like I said overall Soderbergh is better, but Do the Right Thing deserved the Palme.

They could have, but that would really be unfair to Do the Right Thing. Really considering this was pre 2001 Lee should really have gone home with the Palme D'or and Best Director.

Cases like this are the hardest to judge because it's not like Sex, Lies, and Videotape is bad, but by god is Do the Right Thing a masterpiece. As a director Soderbergh is undoubtedly better, but in this case Lee made the better film.

I love Rabin's writing, but this just too far. This is a fiasco at best and this really seems like a case of mistaking intensity for quality and/or integrity. Stick to D'angelo on this one.

Accept He gave multiple well thought out reasons.

Can we please all agree that Videosynchrazy is a terrible title?

Literally the whole point of the movie is no one can exist without Sadness even though its thought of as undesirable.

That could be the case, but does that make a compelling film?

I think it's safe to say that Hou is a lock for the Palme D'Or.

Thank you! Possession is severely underrated and I really hope it will get it's due one day.

You confused David O Russel and Alexander Payne. His (Payne) earlier works are Citizen Ruth and Election.

I said that because of his bad Grammar.

You are idiot.

I'd love to see a Shane Carruth Star Wars movie. If he directed one of the stand alone ones it'd be great.

Upstream Color would like to have a word with you.