
I have to say hell yes for Daisies and MFM! They're weirdly similar they are both are about two woman who don't give a fuck and are better for it.

I Love that this guy created an entirely new profile to do this!

IDK what it says about me, but I could stare at that header image for hours.

This a very tricky thing to talk about because there really are cultural codes that act as barriers to the middle class world, but believing that the codes in and of themselves are the primary barrier to upward mobility as Brooks does is very misguided. Not to mention it is also a pretty textbook example of missing

You + me = her

Somehow the fact the music is so boring and edgeless makes this all so much worse. They are definitely trying to make some kind of statement, but obviously two fucking Sweds don't understand American racial oppression.

"Uncommonly well acted and directed by the standards of no-budget trash horror" is incredibly apt. This is low budget filmmaking at it's most inventive and affecting. That opening sequence is truly chilling and the rest of the film is just as well executed. It's crazy to think McNaughton didn't amount to much after

This trailer screams "We've only shot second unit stuff yet!"

Love the mention of Hedwig, but seriously I don't believe that you could see the threeway scene in Shortbus and not choose it over Angry Itch.

In rationality's defense Scientology is a cult.

It's not that rare actually. It happened to both Edward Norton and Emily Watson.

When I was a kid I LOVED these movies. So much so that I still to this day have basically the entirety of both movie committed to memory. (Although that may be because before I developed an adventurous taste in movies I watch movies I liked over and over again) There really is something glorious about the cheesiness

And George Miller should now be regarded as a secret Middle-brow hack with a car fetish.

I really don't understand why Band of Outsiders is considered one of Godard's best films. It's a boring half-assed paper-thin rehash of earlier Godard genre breakdowns. I'd honestly find both so-called lesser Godards The Little Soldier and The Riflemen to be much better. Also Grand Illusion and The Third Man are at

Cool to me. They were all total geeks.

I honestly can not really be objective about this album. When I was in high school I took a concert band class and there were a group of older students who to me seemed like the coolest kids around and they did nothing but watch anime and play songs from In The Aeroplane Over The Sea. Once I learned about the band by


All AV Club commenters are idiots …any insight shown is always an illusion.

No joke an actual documentary about what it's like being a bit player if done well would be great.

So it's "I Was There Too…": The Movie?