
I doubt it'll top Kidnapped by Danger.

I understand, most people could not explain what anarchism is if you gave them a dictionary. Also I can't wait till Urban Fervor comes out.

I know the real definition of Anarchism and by using it I fail to see how this guys ideals fit that definition. From his statements you can gather that he is an anti-capitalist and an anti-imperialist, but no where does say that he wants to dismantle the state or any other Hierarchical power structure. If you're going

I'd like you look up the definition of the world anarchist.

I think Von Trier was trying to say something about female oppression or something, but it really did seem like He just need a shocking way to end it.

Well watch Persona, 3 Women, and Mulholland Drive back to back to back.

If you want to see sexy lesbians merging identities then watch Mulholland Drive.

Yeah its not terrible. It has a good build up, but then again so does The Village. At least its not as bad as Last Airbender.

I got a similar vibe from 20 feet from stardom.

I know a lot of people who were turned off by the signs discussion. I think you should give JWL@H another chance.

I know a lot of people who got turned off by the signs discussion. I would recommend giving it another chance.

The point of that was that only idiots like signs.

Wow I did not now he could sing that well. He has a better voice than Drake yet Drake is considered good at both rapping and singing.

Kenneth Branagh's Hamlet and the Master are pretty fucking good.

F**K people who do not believe in the free expression of opinions.