
I think original Half-Life could use the full remaster treatment honestly. Such a perfectly designed game, and it is aging surprising well, especially with that high definition pack stuff a while back, but I’d buy the shit out of a proper remaster for modern machines.

Nothing says, “While you’re here, feel free to rub one out,” like the SI Swimsuit issue.

I found out about this from my dad. After having dinner with him, he sent me and my sister a text saying he loves us and not to go anywhere alone for the next few days.

Obligitory “Loading Artist” Comic

And yet here you are... it’s adorable.

Thank god they’ve got excellent health care!

He looks way too unhappy to be lucio.

Is Kevin Pillar ok with Stroman hitting dongs?

Ever go to the Tapioca Express? Teas and milks and juices with boba in them. Bubble teas/Pearl milk tea? Yes, people like it. People like to eat roe on toast too. :/

Brad, she’s not coming back. You may as well get up now.

I’m screaming. This is amazing.

HAHAHAHA! Omg! This is horrible!!!!

They really could have edited the photos down to half what was chosen. First I would have cut is this “sad sand baby”.

You know god damn well when he fired that truck up, and that big diesel engine started humming, those hog jowls were jiggling like a fat stripper’s ass cheeks.

Perhaps buy another microwave to hold the cover while you are using the original microwave?

Perhaps buy another microwave to hold the cover while you are using the original microwave?

Not to be a brown-nose, but I think that statement would be fairly accurate if “religious” was changed to ”conservative assholes.” Certainly they stick religion in for respectability when their core problem is a lack of decency when no one is looking or their inhibitions are down. Pence can’t be without his wife if

Well, it’s not like Maradona’s a stranger to cheating people out of their just rewards...

Right? And I’ve been married 20 yrs, and if I had to worry about a meal in a restaurant, it’d be very sad. Trust is a real thing.

Trump has no issue with this because he assaults women with other people in the room and doesn’t even both with dinner or drinks. Deal maker!

Yea he’s looking real crusty in that shot, like he hasn’t showered since the inaguration.