
Getting rid of EPA, getting rid of Department of Education, tweet something that the media will latch onto and no one will notice, it’s the best possible idea in our kept up kardashian world. he can set in motion whatever he wants and mitigate the backlash by doing something dumb.

Mercy in her Halloween witch costume is the only pixel-based woman to ever be in a dream of mine. And I was totally on board with it.

Perhaps we should start an organization to send mechs to women over there. I doubt the men will accuse or abuse them when they’re 7 feet tall, have fusion cannons, defense matrix, boosters, and most importantly a self destruct.

The article felt kind of Shakespearean- dude wants nothing more than love and respect, so much so he runs for President thinking that it’ll be the sure-fire way he’ll get love and respect. But upon becoming President, he finds himself neither loved or respected and is instead mainly alone, by himself, watching Cable

That’s my silver lining to all this and I’m clinging to it. He’s brought people together in our country more effectively than anyone I’ve ever seen, including Obama. Now if we can just sustain this anger and passion and channel it into taking back control of the government, up and down stream, we might end up

Your analogy is as flawed as your reason for posting.

Can I just say bravo to the Jez team? You’ve been cranking out the non-stop coverage over the last week. Thank you.

Clearly a photoshop. Donald would have written “Your.”

I love all these mayors coming out in support, but I have to admit I wondered: what will they do if it comes to the point of military intervention? After the past 5 days I don’t put anything past Cheetolini and his orange brigade.

Jew, reporting in! Guess who has two thumbs, a futon, and endless empathy for a refugee narrative? *this mensch*

I’m sorry but if after 2 successful titles, they have to do a kickstarter again to finish the trilogy, there’s something really wrong in the way they handle their games development.

And yes I did read the article I do understand that it’s not for the core game but still... for me it feels like I would go begging for

You’re being highly optimistic Schreier. The is the same company that wants to charge you a subscription but offer no voice chat through that network.

I respected Micheal Steele as former RNC chair explaining the importance of having someone at the table when it comes to African American interests. He took a proactive approach and when Republicans took office he was positioned to be that guy in some respects.

Me too re: characterization BUT:

That illustration is a work of art. I’d love to buy a print and video tape my wife peeing on it.

Blizzard doesn’t make games -  they make interactive narcotics

Newsflash; people who can’t tell they’ve been conned surprised when it turns out they’ve been conned.

Ugh, I hate it. Music is one of my favorite subjects, but something about the sentence “You’ve gotta hear this” makes everybody (and me) want to do nothing of the sort, even when they know they’ll probably love it.

I’m 38 today and my 7 y.o. got Minecraft last week for his birthday from his uncle. And damned if his uncle, my fn older brother, got the game for XB1. Now I’m fighting with my 7 y.o for game time on my XB1 and GOD is Minecraft a senseless game to just watch. So much worse than watching someone else play a fps game.