
Really bizarre to read this. Skip down for tldr.

Nice thanks for the rec! My wife has been to Moab but not me or out kids. Can't wait for another trip out there!

If you ever have a chance, go hike in this park! I went a few years back and did a 14mile hike which had such a great diversity in terrain and landscape. Amazing! Sugoi!!

Not sure what you are talking about. I built a PC in 2012 and just this year upgraded my video card since my old one died.

insert money printing machine gif

Is this going to have that Washington, D.C. Expansion set that I shelled out for with my shitty earning from doing random odd jobs for people in the neighborhood? I'm goijg to feel burned 20 year anniversary edition doesn't let me blow aliens up on the White House lawn!

Are these guest editors onthe weekend a sort of interview to fill writing positions? Or are they just that, guest star showcase!!!???!!!

Once you hit family life you are already sleep deprived, just roll with it long enough and your body adjusts.

Thanks. I don't have a good memory for this type of stuff.

That was me, then this sweet chocolate inspired keycap set showed up on massdrop, then my current kb has odd sized keys, then I had a new 60% pok3r rgb keyboard(140) and down an extra 140$ on keycaps that are being made to order and I won’t have them until February! At least I can sell some stuff to offset a little.

That was me, then this sweet chocolate inspired keycap set showed up on massdrop, then my current kb has odd sized

If that's not a reference to something, I'm truly intrigued what games you play to come up with shit like that.

If they are showing a trailer now, so soon after his departure, doesn't that mean it was being worked on while he was there and that he probably knew about it? Even perhaps worked onit a little?

I felt similar sorrow as I read this, until I got to the seconds bit and started chuckling. Thank you

To each their own, not sure whatelse to say. I’m not trying to start some argument on kinja.

I gotta say, most of those look fucking awful :(

There was a report of a kid that got put into jail after having called SWAT ons seperate occasion, at least I think. It's insane to think people actually do this as a prank. What happened to shit in a bag or toilet paper in their trees?

They give you 90 days I think for the step up program. I had a 570 since 2012 and have been waiting for pascal but it died in March. Around that time there was a good deal (580$) on a 980ti FTW with a backplate and all!

It was the first Major tournament in the states. Hopefully not the last. The viewership was strong, not sure about the crowd though.

I got lucky and was in DC visiting my sister when this exhibit was there. I had a great time and it was cool seeing it with my brother-in-law who is 20 years older than me reminisce(or vent gripes) about the old days while we both showed my son, 2 at the time, all the systems and games from before his time.