
Actually the same team Liquid just bought out a Ukrainian player to come stateside and pay on the csgo team. HerO must have declined a bunch of money to stay in his homeland!!!

He also just signed a csgo team to play in a new league Turner(tbs) media is running.

Just came to say: those who never had a proper chimichanga need to find your nearest dirty cali-mex joint and get one. Dirty in the most loving sort of way. These are usually places you might not think today based on appearance but usually have good food that is more traditional in preparation and flavors.

A few companies products have he option of turning off the lights. Razer has a few products listed as “tournament” which don’t have lights.

A few companies products have he option of turning off the lights. Razer has a few products listed as “tournament”

I had a few of them before I was 18. Probably 4 or 5. The scariest/best was one where I lost peripheral vision in my left eye for a few minutes. Lost vision completely once for only a few seconds.

Bansky homage or riot!

Can some one just make a(another?) kickstarter for him with the stipulation that dlc include clothing, cowboy hats, lingerie and the ability to have the ants become strippers as a career.

Sounds like they don’t have the capacity to imagine it. I never used it but just reading the detailed description puts an image in my head and triggers that squeamish reaction you get when something bad is about to happen that you have no control over. You just have to ride it out and take it.

I'm going to be so happy if Johnny Quest comes back to tv!!!!!

I have a 570 and was going to get a 970 soon, but I’ve been reading about the upcoming cards that seem like a actual big leap from the current ones. I’m sure the price will reflect the jump but if it’s too much, then the current 970/980 will probably come down a little.

Maybe it’s lack of sleep, maybe it’s my fever over 101, but I could only read it as “PubicHair”

Kind of reminds me of heavy metal or aeon flux cartoons from when I was younger. Those were kinda wild. I wish I remember what channel, but it was on Saturday uber late night.

Wait, they shut down!?!?!?

Sorry I found this the other day and seemed appropriate, I usually don’t even comment on this sort of topic. As long as you are having a good time, it doesn’t matter whether pc or console.

The smiles are perfect, lets you know the players are having fun and think they are making headway in the match!

The year was 1998. My cousin and I were like brothers. I was 12 and he was 13. For a while we went to the same school and he would come stay at my house after school until my uncle was done with work.

What’s/where’s the registry coupon from?

What’s/where’s the registry coupon from?

The steady sale of CS:go is mind boggling!!! October had a major tournament and it popped to the top of the list!

Not sure how the moba games are during big tournaments but csgo has a handful of very good casters, that make it to each of The big events throughout the year.