
tfw mom lets you wear pull-ups.

To give you a sense of how much Republican lawmakers care about women, take this vignette from Senator Pat Roberts today. When asked by a TPM reporter if he supported repealing Obamacare, Roberts sarcastically responded, “I wouldn’t want to lose my mammograms.”

God, Trump is bad at this. By this, I mean everything.

And now the House isn’t even voting on the bill today because they couldn’t whip up the votes. Glad to see that business-man style deal making he always brags about is coming in handy...

Now playing

Just a friendly reminder that Hillary was saying all of this before the election and even on TV, but nah, her emails...

I watched it too way back when. But this seems different. This seems like at more than half of our government is eager to protect Trump so they can maintain the control they have schemed for so long to achieve.

Look how spotlessly clean those boots are. They’re fresh out of a box. Did he get carried there by some indigenous porters like he was in the countries where he killed animals?

Game theory - the White House correspondents are painting Spicer and the Administration into a corner.. so that when the House and Senate committees do come out and say it didn’t happen, Trump, Spicer, et al. will look even more foolish.

At least Karl pressed him for an actual answer instead of letting Spicy just yell and ramble instead. They’re learning to be combative, which is nice.

In his back pocket?

And the opening about being “desperate for ratings” is a giveaway too. No one is as obsessed with ratings as he is.

My head knows it’s bullshit, but my heart hopes there’s something there.

If you’ve been wondering what Ben Affleck’s been up to these days, here is your answer. Rehab. He was in rehab

Well, I feel pretty darn sure that Rory didn’t get an abortion, considering the fact that it was never even floated as a possibility on the series. I binge watched this show and really loved it, until I got to the season in which Sookie’s husband lies about getting a vasectomy and she gets pregnant again against her

Must have been Sergey Kislyak ; he roofied Michael Flynn and Jeff Sessions so they can’t remember their conversations with him, and he might have dosed you too.

I wonder if Trump is undiagnosed bipolar. He seems to veer from superficial rationality to derangement without a predictable pattern. Or maybe he’s off his meds?

Senator Blanche Devereaux 😂😂😂

Maddow has been connecting a lot of ‘Russian’ dots this past week. He waits until a Saturday when the actual press is off for the weekend; giving the story 2 days of coverage with the B-team TV anchors that seem to be reading the tweets over and over like mindless robots.

“Do you seriously expect me to be the first Fresh Prince of Bel-Air in history not to have a fade” - Will Smith, 1990