
Does the NRA advocate that women carry guns to defend themselves from sexual predators whom they endorse for President?

I ALMOST feel bad for him. But then I remember everything else about him.

Any word on endorsement status of Tom Brady and/or Scott Baio?

Teleprompter or not, he wouldn’t have been able to sound sincere. Because he doesn’t believe the apology. Who he is on the tape is his authentic self—vulgar, abusive, and a pig.

Typical left-wing pinko liberal media bias tactics #101: quote people accurately.

God, what I wouldn’t pay to have been in the Clinton campaign offices when this story broke today.

I have always been told that the most honest reflection of a person’s character is who they are when they think no one’s watching.

Nailed it!

I said over on Deadspin earlier this evening that my wild hunch is that it was leaked by an NBC producer or employee who knew they had the tape and was really frustrated that NBC was sitting on it.

Oh fuck you NBC, you’re the ones who foisted him on us in the first place, giving him legitimacy even when he was pulling his birther nonsense. You know they must have unaired footage of him in the Apprentice board room saying offensive things about women, where is that? The contestants said it happened and there’s

Are you kidding? He won’t drop out. Never will happen

Translation: I’m embarrassed and ashamed this came to light. This happened eleven years ago, when I was already a spineless little shit who took no issue with what Trump was saying because I like to hang with the bros so that I can feel like one of them.

If a grade-school teacher of his came out and said she had to put Trump in time out during recess for bad behavior when he was 8 years old, he’d call her a fat ugly cunt who was jealous that he wasn’t attracted to her.

Trump is so inflexible in his thoughts and beliefs even when they turn out to be wrong. He still goes after people even through this happened almost thirty years ago. Jesus. He can’t let a thing go.

On a semi-related note: what the fuck is going on with his signature? Do any amateur handwriting analysts want to weigh in?

I’m assuming you’re trying to be kind, but there are better adjectives for you to use than articulate when describing a person of color:)

Totally agreed. I am watching the VP debate with pasta bloat, a stained tshirt and dirty socks and this is a good day for me. She is flawless.

You should hear my Fox News obsessed parents sneer when I mention that my daughter’s school lunch offers fruit and veg every day. “Oh that’s Michelle Obama’s doing, no doubt.” Like how they’ve managed to criticize her for WANTING CHILDREN TO EAT WELL makes me fucking insane.

I think we all need to take a moment and appreciate the 404 page that’s now in place.

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