
They played that quote on NPR this morning, and then followed it with, “That is false,” then moved along to the next story.

I’ve had NPR on for about two hours this morning and they are repeating the statement “That is false” every time they mention his claim that Hillary “started it.” It's wonderful. Or as wonderful as a bowl of dog shit with a maraschino cherry on top can be.

His book will do very “successfully” with or without you, okay?!

If you had to choose between living under President Trump or having your crotch eviscerated by a pack of rabid animals, which species of animal would you pick?

I fucking hate this man.

I can’t help but read “David Miscarriage” every time I see it.

I think he was tired of it 6 months ago. But he’s in too deep now. He can’t quit. So he’s just setting up reasons for why he’ll lose in 2 months.

Do you think that maybe, just maybe, he’s getting tired of it all?


How great it must feel to do something charitable and have the credit go to your ex boyfriend.

Yet calling Mexicans rapists and Muslims terrorists is just “telling it like it is.” Amazing how fucking fragile these anti-PC people are.

Aww, thank you sweets! I’m kinda counting my chickens before they hatch and looking forward to my next keytag (my upcoming sobriety birthday is in three weeks, haha), but hey - keeping my eye on the prize helps keep me clean!

Yet Trump supporters think Trump will bring jobs back to America (when even his own stuff is made overseas) and fix the economy.

Of all the things that make me angry about Breitbart, the thing that is making me the most irrationally angry is this snippet:

We’re gonna get new factories, new roads, and new schools. And Ohio is gonna pay for it!

First thing I thought when I saw it too.

FYI there’s a troll on Jez and the offshoot sites from Jez spamming with lots of pictures of dismembered animals. I’d advise caution towards the “show pending” button and also as a reminder if the trolls respond directly to you (as they have done to me) you can click on those 3 little dots on the right of the star on

You could have had Beyonce perform on the pre-show with that new singer song writer Lukas Graham and she still would have out shined Britney, like come on.

I have always assumed what he has in mind is basically just levying tariffs to offset the cost of the wall. He just basically taxes the shit out of anything imported from Mexico. Short of literal invasion (which I absolutely would not put past him don't get me wrong) that's the only possible way that could make sense.

Trump is planning to pay for the wall by hiking trade tarrifs with Mexico. He’s said as much several times. There’s nothing Mr. Nieto can do about that. Except start a trade war, of course, which will demolish the economies of both countries, but Trump doesn’t care about the consequences as long as the wall is built.