
What do other people read on the Internet? I’ve been a Jez-addict for so long, I’m not sure what other blog could fill the space, but with my favorite writers leaving in droves over the last couple of years, it seems like I’ll need somewhere new to while away my time.

Oh my goodness! No! Is Vocativ taking everyone?

Kanye "asked his wife for her blessings" to... call Taylor Swift a bitch?

HELL YES. I hate how long a wait it is until the next season but I’d rather they take their time and make something just as good as the first season (or better). I devoured this show in a day and I’m excited to rewatch it at some point while we wait for the next season.

When they shut down Google Reader I made this.

I’m guessing the disgusting rumor is that he’s into scat, right? He’s a powerful dude and they all like being degraded and dominated in the bedroom (or in his case the bathroom.) Like that Senator from Lousiana and his diaper fetish.

  • Gaga is on a “champagne and sushi diet” to prepare for the Oscars

it’s just a side-by-side comparison of Khloe (taken several years ago) and Sydney Simpson in which they look, well, fine, they look like half-sisters.

May I suggest dismissing the charming GGers responding to you? As I said elsewhere, they have the entire internet to whine about how oppressed they are and how they just want to be left alone to terrorize women in peace. We really don't need to give them a form here as well.

Not always, but most of the time...yeah, you’re right. Dogs tend to be shot as a matter of routine, due to the fact that dogs can be very dangerous to responding officers, and they don’t have the time to deal with it in a less forceful manner. That’s just one piece of the whole layer of how crappy swatting antics are:

....but the picture literally has “pic by Jimmy King” as the watermark. The sentiment still stands, but Iman did not take this picture.

Wait, what? Public schools are supposed to have nurses? This is a serious question. I never had nurses in any of the schools I went to, and neither did my mom. We’re located in Michigan too, so what’s going on in Flint, in this regard at least, isn’t abnormal. Is this something that other states have???

Haha, you are totally fine to punch him, but he is in the Tahoe area. I am the kind of person who pretends to be super tough and all ‘fight me’ but who really cries easily when confronted because I need five minutes to decide what I want to eat and two days to make big in depth decisions after collecting and reading

I’m just impressed you understood his comment enough to respond. I’m still trying to figure out which parts are autocorrect and which parts are the failures of our education system.

with all the money being spent on this big government we can’t afford some snow tires? If Trump were president we’d have tremendous snow tires and he’d make the Canadian’s pay for them!

What is he looking for?

Or how about.... Cones of Dunshire?

Seriously? Over 50 women have come forward. He has admitted to using drugs on women he wants to have sex with. What else do you need, a fucking video of him raping all 50 women?