
My god I am so sorry for your loss, and that your grandmother behaved in such a heinous fashion. I can’t believe she thought that in a car ON THE WAY TO YOUR SISTER’S FUNERAL was a good time for fat shaming (not that there is ever a good time, but, jesus christ, this might be the worst time).

Don't ever go back. Just don't. Ever.

legit irl lol

Oh yes, make sure you whore it up with the makeup so you get the correct hairstyle:

That last sentence is gold.

I hadnt seen my mom in 6 years (after I bolted out of my state at 18 to be with my then boyfriend) then two years ago went to go see her (said she had health stuff/old grudges to get over) and it was a tearful “OMG MY SWEET PEA IS BACK AFTER SO LONG!” *GRAPPLE HUG* OH MY GOD SHE’S SO CUTE! SO SKINNY! NOT MARRIED!!”


My dad used to joke when I had braces that all I needed in addition to those railroad tracks were glasses and then I would never find a husband.

Oh, my father used to bag on my long-ass eighties metal hair all the fucking time. And so did all of his drunken asshole lodge-brother pals, too. “Jesus Christ, what’s with yer kid’s fuggin hair dere, he one-a dem dere faggots?” and etc. I got the last laugh though, because every single one of those obnoxious jerks

“You are the fattest person I’ve ever had the misfortune of meeting.” -Mom

What does this mean for Clover?

What’s positive about anything Carson or Trump have done or said?

Raise your hand if you spent a solid two minutes or more looking for warped walls and furniture or other evidence of ‘shopping.

Brian William’s comeback interview?

Yeah, Hillary’s gotten a free pass. Someone should form some kind of committee or something.

adding that none of the Democratic hopefuls had received such scrutiny.

Is there ever not a religious reference?

He loves the attention. A silent protest would have been more sufficient. Numbers mean everything to him right now.
