
Early 00's platformers got away with a lot, didn’t they? Personally I hated the Spider Caves in Jak & Daxter, but Mol & Gaia’s Citadel also sucked. You get good enough to get past it but it’s still frustrating. And on a related note, up until now I always thought I just wasn’t good enough at platforming in the Meat

That’s a really astute observation. It adds another layer when you remember your base of operations right now is an abandoned house in a swamp, a relic of a past age being slowly destroyed by nature. Those two images clash pretty nicely.

I understand! So you’re working through Novigrad now, did you do anything in Velen or Skellige?

This is a good prompt so I’m glad I went back for it. I’d say the games atmosphere and other verbs do add meaning to the main gameplay. You say you want to be able to offer food and whatnot, and while it’s a concession for sure, if a beggar asks for food or money you can respond in the affirmative. There are a lot of

What’s going on in the Witcher currently? It took me a little bit for its claws to sink into me, but once it did I was doing any side quest I could. It’s a lovely game with an amazing story and well-fleshed out characters. I do still have to finish Blood & Wine, but that’s on the back burner now that I’m playing Red

These clips were too funny for my serious rambling, but here’s a later game sidequest. If you’re ultra worried about spoilers skip it, but nothing relevant to the plot is spoiled.

Red Dead 2 continues. The more I play the more I’m compelled to play because the story keeps amping up the intensity and emotion. I have a lot of thoughts, but most of them concern spoilers, so I’ll say this: this game arguably reckons more with redemption than the first, where John has to confront his past to be able

I love that idea. Her asking me to dance at one point was so cute, and I made sure to dance the whole song with her, even dipping her at the end. No idea if the story will go there yet, but I completely agree about Mary Beth.

It’s funny, I had this exact conversation with my wife last night. St. Denis is beautiful, but also ugly. I don’t know how they reconciled that. Like the smog at night that the carriage lights can barely cut through is just so atmospheric and beautiful. My wife then said“So you’re saying the pollution is beautiful.”

Also, reaffirming my horse is always a treat. “That’s it boiah.” I find the pace is perfect for what it’s trying to build up. It’s slow but when it gets intense you feel it because you’ve lived in this world, you’ve built these relationships. There’s one moment in particular at the end of Chapter 3

I played a bit of Don’t Starve Together for some time, and while it was incredibly hard for me as I’m not much of a survival gamer, the game really executed on its vision of dark quirkiness and humor. I loved it, though I never got as into recipes and crazy things to craft as my friend did. I played as the Werebeaver

Yeah, when I was complaining about it on the discord someone said ‘When pulling your gun is as easy and accidental as sneezing then you’re going to be pulled out of the experience.’ Something like that. Basically if I were Arthur Morgan and I wouldn’t pull a gun on that man it shouldn’t register my controls like it

Hello all! This week I have dropped entirely off the face of Destiny and replaced it with Red Dead Redemption II: Electric Boogaloo. Man, what an engrossing experience.I have a complaint here or there, but that hasn’t stopped me from devouring this game. Complaint #1: Tutorials. There’s little in the way of

Yes, plenty of horror games use helplessness to achieve their goals, but the choice of what spot to hide in and which way to run feels much, much better than the absolute helplessness I feel watching a horror movie.

I remember one time around Halloween I figured I should get into playing a horror game just to see if its my thing. I saw my brother had installed Penumbra on his computer, so I booted it up...at the very first jumpscare I exited the game, bolted out of my chair and left my brother’s room in record time.

Interesting, I was not aware of that. Most missions take about 10-20 minutes, but of the 20 hours I’ve played I’d wager I’ve spent 5 hours playing missions. I’m about a dozen missions into Chapter 2. As most missions only take ten minutes and I haven’t encountered a frustrating one yet, my suggestion (if you still

The save game system is a little bit buried - I got the game Friday, played in batches for about 9-13 hours total Friday and Saturday, and I didn’t learn how to manually save until the end of Saturday night. Which isn’t a bad thing - I never lost any progress. The auto save is forgiving, it also saves every time you

This weekend I will be jumping on the bandwagon, or I guess the Conestoga wagon, to play Red Dead Redemption 2. I am incredibly excited for it, and I am sure I will be gushing about it soon. This past week I have barely touched Blood & Wine from Witcher because Destiny 2 finally got its hooks in me. The previous two

Yeah! Space westerns do really well. We could give it to Joss Whe-

Oof. You were this close to one of my favorite endings in video games. You do about 3 of those quests and then you never have to do those boring quests again. That being said, if you’re more focused on fun then keep doing you! Red Dead 1 is a great game and enjoyable to play, but fun doesn’t seem like the most fitting