
I can’t wait until I get to Overcooked 2 on my to-play list. For now, I will be continuing to play Witcher, Sea of Thieves, and Okami! (Of note:I recently learned how to make gifs from my Xbox Live captures. I have become drunk with power and am abusing this privilege in this post. God forgive me)

Now playing

Saw this youtube documentary a little whiles back, it goes through the history of the genre first before culminating in an examination of Monkey Island.

I grew up being intrigued by adventure games but never could make sense of them. I picked up a Lucasarts Bundle of games from GoG a year or two back, and Monkey Island and Sam & Max finally clicked. I am still stuck in Sam & Max, but its also been months since I played. The strengths of adventure games are also their

It felt a bit wrong to talk about the games I’m playing in my sentimental paragraph, so I’ve moved it here:

Gerardi, I am saddened to lose you, but happy for you. I know I’m not alone in saying this, but I don’t mind repeating what others have said; you’ve done a great job cultivating the loving, kind and intriguing community that is Gameological. I’m a relative newbie to the society, lurking since early 2017 and first posti

I get what you’re trying to say, but I disagree that Mel never had a real apology. Mel Gibson apologized twice formally, went on live television admitting what he said and owning up to it, talked to Jewish leaders about what path he should take to lead towards healing, and has been sober ever since that DUI. He also

Reese’s Puffs. I know your experiment had to do the 8 most popular cereals, but REESE’S MAN.

Let me know what you think! There’s only one thing you should know - don’t wake your Dad from his nap until you’re content with what you’ve checked off of your list. That’s all! 

I have a lack of puzzle games in my life, and heard about Lumines a lot in the discord. Think I’ll have to put it on the list! The ever-growing, behemoth list / backlog... What a thing to be frustrated about!

I often bristle

Its difficulty curve is hard, but achievable. There is an Assist mode for those whose enjoyment would be hurt by the difficulty, but the developers warn that it is only for those who can’t enjoy the game without help. The main conceit of the game is that you’re climbing a mountain, which is a hard thing to do, and

I would suggest Celeste at 4th in your purchase list! If you enjoy platformers then it is a must play. And not that metacritic scores means everything, but they work when you’re trying to be brief: Celeste is in 3rd place after Mario & Zelda. 

Ooh, I completed Velen last week and am now most of the way through Novigrad! After finishing Novigrad and some of its sidequests I’ll be heading down to Skellige as well.

As usual I will start by answering the adjacent question, What HAVE I been playing this week. And the answer to that is The Witcher 3. In about 9 days I have sunken in 35 hours, and I’ve barely noticed that time pass. At first you all heard some slight misgivings from me (ex: the beginning was a little hard, but that

Fat Princess. I loved that game sooo much, and one ridiculously unbalanced patch ruined everything. 

Is this your first time playing Last of Us? I too turned it down to easy, and I also am not a fan of horror games (not because they’re bad, but because I am a wimp.) I still hate clickers...anyway, the game is worth seeing through to the end, so I heartily support switching to easy. The game is fun but the story, as

Hello there! My first week of a completed PC build has been GREAT, and the Steam Summer Sale was oh so perfectly timed for me to pick up a few games. I have downloaded the following: Witcher 3, Ori and the Blind Forest, The Awesome Adventures of Captain Spirit, Pillars of Eternity, Firewatch, Kentucky Route Zero, and

Great, thank you!

If I’ve never played Life is Strange, will I still be able to enjoy Captain Spirit?