
The PC is built. Finally. It is finished. Everything has been resolved, but it wouldn’t be a PBnJustice PC update without one exception. My wireless mouse is out of batteries and there is not a single AAA in the house. On the bright side, I can now navigate with a keyboard like a boss. I plan on taking full

Very happy to see Sea of Thieves up there! While I liked the game before, The Hungering Deep showed me what Sea of Thieves is really capable of. Teaming up with other ships to take down a megalodon in stormy waters was amazing, and one of my favorite gaming stories of this year. I seriously want to retell it all over

In all seriousness, it looks very nice! I’m sure LEDs would make my computer much nicer looking, but for now I have spent so much just on getting this guy running that I’m gonna hold off for now on other purchases.

Is that a trackball I see?

Only then will I have achieved my true form.

CPU: Intel - Core i5-7600K 3.8GHz Quad-Core Processor
Motherboard: MSI - Z270 TOMAHAWK ARCTIC ATX LGA1151 Motherboard
Ram: G.Skill - NT Series 8GB (1 x 8GB) DDR4-2133 Memory
SSD: PNY - CS1311 240GB 2.5" Solid State Drive
HDD: Seagate - Barracuda 2TB 3.5" 7200RPM Internal Hard Drive
GPU: Gigabyte - GeForce GTX 1060 3GB 3GB


Going to be a busy weekend preparing for a summer party and moving my brother out, but if I do game, I’m hoping to do it on the PC I am building! I’m midway through building currently and am very excited to get finished. The game I currently plan on getting to test the PC is the Witcher 3 (cause everyone was obsessed

You have a choice of either solo slooping, grouping up with friends, or grouping up with randos! Sometimes you get great groups and other times you have people looking at each other’s hairstyles. That part is luck of the draw. Personally, I solo sloop when I want to relax and up my reputation, and when my brothers are

A friend is visiting from out of state this weekend, and as such games will be of more the multiplayer variety. I’m certain Dominion will be played multiple times, as when we visited him we played it for hours straight. We have a few other board games like Sushi Go and Hanabi, but we will see. As for video games, Mario

Deleted scene from original Star Wars:

Right before the trench run you can see X-wings being fueled.

Oh my gosh. At first I thought it stemmed from something like an out-of-bounds warning, like in Banjo-Kazooie where you get eaten by a shark if you swim out of bounds. But that...that’s much more terrifying.

Don’t worry, it’s just a harmless dinosaur shark the size of 2 school buses. It’s more afraid of you than you are of it!

Boy do I have a fishing story for all of you.

You dare insult Dash Rendar? I...

I should go tell the pirates roaming the seas they don’t need to drink grog anymore!

Sometimes reading comprehension is not my strong suit. However, I’m glad my tabletop advice worked for this real-life situation! What a happy accident, and it really proves your point how similar they are. In lieu of taking a break, definitely make sure wholesome leisure is a priority to let off stress. Maybe play

Running tabletop RPGs can be very taxing on your social energy, and you can run into all sorts of problems based on the people you play with. There’s a lot of investment into making sure you’re creating a fun game for others, but you also need to beware that same investment because they might do something completely