
I have been loving Celeste, and need to get around to the B sides and collectibles. Since beating the game I’ve focused elsewhere but I plan on playing again this weekend. Such a lovely game and story. There are definitely echoes of an unhealthy relationship with Madeline and Mr. Ichiro. I like that the old lady even

Man, I can’t wait until multiplayer comes out for Stardew on the Switch. Then maybe I can do the same thing with my wife! She enjoyed watching the game and played it a little bit, but she’s still hooked on Breath of the Wild. I don’t blame her, but I also wish we would play more games together; Stardew would be

That Kirby connection is a really astute observation - Aria of Sorrow totally is a gothic, maybe even grimdark Kirby. It might be a bit toooo reductive to just leave it there, but the structure is so similar that I don’t know if I’ll ever separate that thought from playing it again.

Hell yeah Simpsons. Such a fun arcade game.

I’d have to go with X-Men for one of mine, just due to memories at Magfest. If you do the Colossus power-up yell, it creates a chain reaction throughout the entire convention.

Red Warrior needs food badly!

While I’ve never played it, Pillars of Eternity has an amazing soundtrack. The sea shanties in the second one are great. Check them out!

Apologies for taking your interpretation at face value and misunderstanding. I agree that it is fascinating! Paul in 1st Corinthians has a really interesting take on detachment and family that goes all over the place. “I tell you, brothers, the time is running out. From now on, let those having wives act as not having

Jesus also doesn’t reject his family, despite the verse cited. Consider at the crucifixion: “When Jesus saw his mother and the disciple there whom he loved, he said to his mother, ‘Woman, behold, your son.’ Then he said to the disciple, ‘Behold, your mother.’ And from that hour the disciple took her into his home.”

In a way it’s a flipped version of Luke with Darth Vader. Luke sensed good in an evil person and sensed evil in a good person.

Man, I would love to do a one-shot in 2nd edition someday, just to have that experience. It just sounds so freaking difficult.

I understand. Aft-er seeing it so many times I’d get rid of it too.

I’d come up with a better pun but I’m too distracted by your new avat-arrr.

Thanks! Puns really are the best and worst type of humor simultaneously, but I know I will never stop making them. And I’m not even a dad yet. Lord knows how bad my jokes will be then...

Balancing those linear warriors with quadratic wizards is definitely hard and something I feel they’ve done a decent job with in 5e, though I think Starfinder did it better. My PC’s in 5e haven’t gotten to be a high enough level for me to know this from experience, but the combat maneuvers and stances do balance it

You’re in for a trip! I just beat Celeste last week and have been replaying past levels to collect strawberries and explore more. The difficulty curve is juuuusst right for this game - it’s very challenging at first, but after you beat the game and go back to the beginning, you can much more easily cruise through it.

Hello all! This weekend is going to be busy, but should I be able to squeeze in some gaming, I will be playing my usual mixture of games depending on who is online (Sea of Thieves, SW:BF2, or Stardew Valley), But there are a few other games that I’m itching to play more of.

I’ll have to be quick due to being busy, but at last I have a pirate story! After weeks of promising one I can finally deliver. My catholic guilt is assuaged! I haven’t seen anyone else on Gameological playing Sea of Thieves, so I accept my role as a SoT ambassador for the commentariat.

I have not, though that is enticing! As long as it fills that need for me of being something to play to cool down during, then perfect.