
“We trained him wrong on purpose, as a joke!”
It’s a movie that walks that line between terrible and hilarious for me - it’s just insanely quotable.

Man, Google told me this game wasn’t scary! And well, it’s not exactly...but I also am a wimp. I remember running out of the room after the first jump scare in Penumbra. I know Gone Home is much more of a narrative game, and man am I looking forward to that, but I hope I can stomach the creepy elements enough to get

Hahahaha, “Nugget has joined your team as a manager!”. Man. Now I’m sold too. If only I had a PS4...

Hello everyone! This weekend will be rather busy, with Infinity War tonight and family parties throughout the weekend. Still, I have a few games on my radar!

My dad has a Sunday tradition where he makes omelets. This happens every week, before he reads the comics but after his coffee. Being an engineer and general goofball, he also loves to experiment, which has led to him accidentally making this same dish (well, a similar dish). Now he looks forward to his leftover

It’s definitely worth playing a few rounds to see if it’s up your alley! The tension of being a stormtrooper running around in the dark looking for teammates while checking for traps...it’s a pretty well done mode. Maybe the only thing I’d change is to reduce the amount of time your flashlight can be on by a little

Glad it worked! The past two weeks I would write up my usual rants and I would repeatedly get “Post Save Failed.” And then if I refreshed the article wouldn’t even load! I’m glad I haven’t run into that today, and I hope it’s a sign that it’s fixed.

Always read before you publish folks.

That’s totally fair. I was reaching for some developer that was more narrative focused and they were all that came to mind. If Nintendo were to meet in the middle, where the gameplay is a storytelling mechanism in addition to there being a more focused narrative, that would be closer to the concept I had in mind. I

As for games in the cult canon, I have an answer for this one! Yesterday I was trying to do the #gamestruck4 challenge, and was worried I was forgetting a game that was influential on me. So, being the PB-n-Justice that I am, I decided to go to Wikipedia’s List of Games Released By Year and go through every game since

Is that you in Yakuza? Congrats on your cameo!

It’s interesting - Samus and Zelda are Nintendo’s best IP’s in terms of narrative potential, but they have yet to really nail the narrative aspect of a game. While I will always take solid game play over a good story, I would love to see Nintendo knock the story aspect of a game out of the park. They certainly told

Hello all! Posting has not been working for the past few weeks, so hopefully this one goes through - if you want to see what I would have posted, check my posts on my profile!

If you do the full calculation you will find that Friday the 13th is no less rare on the calendar than Thursday the 12th.

This episode was so good. It’s funny, because my wife and I wanted to relax after watching the trippy Legion premiere, and so we thought Atlanta would be a safe option.

I appreciate you wanting to have an open dialogue, but will quibble a little bit on what my views are. I was trying to hammer home that I understand how huge agency and choice is, considering free will is the cornerstone of Christian belief. . You can’t really have virtue or sin or love or hate without free will.

I think it’s important a few things are clarified. I’m fine with CPC’s being regulated more so that proper care is administered and good information is provided. You can cherry pick bad CPC’s just like you can cherry pick bad PP’s, but I do not want misinformation for pregnant women. I want people to be informed and

Wait a second, I’ve heard these same accusations of incompetence and lying through statistics thrown at Planned Parenthood! It’s almost like people try and discredit the other side’s choices because they disagree with them! Can you believe that?

Are the emergent interactions of players with each other - and with the procedural mechanics - enough to keep it fun to play in that present-tense moment, outside of that concern of ultimately “winning”?