
My weekend, when not busy playing paintball with coworkers, will either be occupied by Sea of Thieves or Overcooked! There’s a lot to say about SoT, but let’s get Overcooked out of the way first.

Working with different plug-ins can be frustrating, and I have avoided them in the hobby games I’ve made (mostly due to not wanting to fiddle with them and working within a time constraint). However, my friend does, and I think I noticed in his editor he had to save one of his mods as a different project in RPG Maker?

I know I’m late by a few days, but you have got me giddily excited by informing me Alex Hirsch is involved with Detective Pikachu. At first I was curious, but NOW I’m intrigued. If it’s anything like Gravity Falls in quality it should do the game justice.


Gwen, Gravity Falls is the best. This is the most true thing you’ve ever said.

Just wanted to say thanks for saying a hard truth in a forum where you’re going to get bashed for it.

Now playing

This is different from my usual acoustic fare I post; here’s a remix of Metroid Prime music, by absrdst.

Everything’s fine.

I will be reporting back on my time, definitely. The thing that’s intriguing to me is I used to be addicted to WoW but hated my experience at end game. There was a lot to do, but it felt empty. You could probably put SoT on the opposite end of the spectrum - Sea of Thieves kind of seems like it’s all end game all the

I actually think I agree, though I’m reluctant to admit it to myself. It was fun for those two weeks, but after I beat the main game it didn’t feel as good to me to revisit past worlds and collect more moons to unlock end-game worlds. Even after I beat Breath of the Wild it keeps my attention, so I figured Mario

Sea of Thieves is officially out, and I plan on sailing the high seas with my brothers tonight! (I’ve only played about 4 hours of the released game, so take my opinion with a grain of salt) (get it? Salt?).There have been a lot of release week hiccups, but so far Rare has done a good job addressing them as they come

Ignatiy did a pretty good job reviewing Silence, but there were still some things he missed in his review considering it wasn’t his purview. That’s to be expected of any critic though - you follow a critic because you trust their opinion, and if you think their view on something is skewed you’ll view their opinion

I’ll keep that in mind! I’ll go easy on him the first session as it’s his first time GM’ing, but I have the feeling he will be tough but fair. And I like that it teaches you not to be too gung ho, considering you start at 15ish hp and that never goes up (which is one of the things I really enjoy about Call of Cthulhu.

Also....I am surprisingly into that metal wii music. It still boggles my mind how Nintendo made MENU MUSIC catchy.

Now playing

Last week’s dive into zohar’s Corridors of Time from Chrono Trigger led me to discover this lovely Japanese trio. First up is Frog’s Theme, but they also do other video games and medleys, as seen in the second video of a Super Mario Bros. 3 medley.

Seconded on parallax mapping being incredibly important. It really ups the aesthetic of your game. As you create you’ll learn a lot more as well, like what pixel size portraits are, etc. I would recommend downloading gimp for any visual assets (besides pixel art, I haven’t tried pixel art with it) and Audacity for any

I have not played Into the Breach, but there are some games that I just don’t get even after playing it for hours. Some games just suit your skill set better than others, so if at any point you feel like the frustration isn’t worth it anymore, I would go on to another game to enjoy. Pushing is fine and I’m not telling

This weekend I’m going to play Sea of Th....oh, that’s not out yet?

She is much less objectified in design, but there are plenty of camera angles designed to focus on her butt that in any other situation would not. That’s actually the only example I can think of, and even then it’s a little subjective. They did do a pretty good job.

Maybe a friend of Lara’s dies to a branch through the head instead? We could workshop it