“The Weather Channel was the only outlet thats camera was set up”
“The Weather Channel was the only outlet thats camera was set up”
Wonderful story. Thank you.
You are being understarred, pthomas.
Doesn’t it just mean, we need to figure out how the fuck he got that car?
For some reason, many callers feel compelled to begin their call with “Real quick ...” or “Two points real quick ...” It is a signal that they will take a whole minute even to begin to get to their first point.
Truly. Could we at least ask for some exact reporting? I know that outrage trumps all, but I can’t even tell what allegedly happened here, let alone the full story.
I am trying to remember when I was at a dinner where there was a bowl of ice on the table. Huh?
If I am allowed to be serious, the ranking order here is mostly reasonable, but I think Dallas will suck quite a bit less than projected here.
You really notice it when you are at a game during a TV timeout and you watch the TV timeout guy just standing there in the field with his timeout flag, forever.
I hear that lots of times: The games are so good, who cares how long they are. There are plenty of people like you who don’t mind the length of the game and don’t see it as a problem, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a problem. There are also many people like me who do see it as a problem and don’t watch it like we used…
Maybe nobody has ever watched a college baseball game to completion!
MLB is full of it—and deluded. It is still stuck in the idea that playoff baseball is so “compelling” that people will tolerate interminable games dragged out by batters adjusting and pitchers pausing, endlessly. I couldn’t stand to watch it for more than five minutes and I certainly didn’t watch till the end.
If you were watching an NFL game to begin with, you answered your question. This was some revelation to you?
Normal doses of opioids don’t really make you sleepy like that.
On the headline: I think of a “lawsuit” as a civil action, even if the term isn’t technically that restricted. This is a criminal complaint
Your headline makes it sounds like it was “Whoops, I fumbled it” instead of “Whoops, I stopped running and a guy chopped it out.”
She seems to be confused on that little detail.
And parlays are bets that can cost bookies big time because they can’t balance the action as easily as with spreads. Sometimes they make a lot of pure profit, but they can get hammered if people hit the right way.
You can’t because nobody really knows. But if Equifax tells you it is likely that your information was exposed, you might as well assume it is true, because it is probably true. Otherwise, no one is going to be any more specific other than instances in which an actual breach is detected, and it’s probably you who is…