
This is most assuredly not a boneheaded decision.

It’s really troubling that these stupid tone-deaf assholes are the leadership police choose for themselves. What the hell are they thinking? When will rank and file police stand up and make it clear that idiotic and inflammatory comments are not what they stand for.

Hell, even in the NFL with that many guys you have/had no problem picking up scabs that don’t hurt ratings much. The league only ‘caved’ on the refs a few years ago when the officiating became a joke and even then they didn’t give up very much. Leagues (including UFC for these purposes) have almost no fear of labor

Sure, but when I skip third base I’m being “inconsiderate.”

“I think I can get that Stonie guy some work.” —Steve Hirsch

And his last once he gets in the Rio water.

I can almost guarantee that before camera was rolling she and the camera man were casually chatting as they drove up. Their lives weren’t just shattered, they needed to have reporter faces on for the segment but were otherwise going about a day at the office.

Man, I also hate when people promote their own hard work. Doug, just because you quit your full-time job to write articles that we greatly enjoy doesn’t mean that we now have to constantly deal with you trying to support yourself.

I think they got your number.
I think they’re gonna win this,
while your team keeps going under.
But you really don’t remember?
Miami’s in the red.
Paninis with soggy bread.

Seitan is also an excellent ingredient to sneak into dishes for your so-called gluten-intolerant and/or Celiac friends. It's just pure gluten. Either they have no issue and you get to call them on their bullshit, or it kills them soundly. It's kind of a one-shot, but it's effective.

Vinnie’s got nothing on TacoTown:

I’m sorry but I have a hard time taking seriously anyone who says the phrase Gretzky would “Most likely be an all star today.”

I fundamentally agree with most of your points, but I REALLY don’t get the “Steph wouldn’t cut it in the 90s” narrative.

Sure, if we start giving additional abilities that the ‘90s players never demonstrated, simply because we assume they would ahve been better, nobody is ever going to top the ‘96 Bulls.

I’m simply stating, without adding anything to the players roster of abilities beyond adjusting to defensive rule changes, the ‘96

“Hi Jay, this is Dave from North Side Yamaha checking in. We were doing an internal audit and noticed that you haven’t responded to any customer service emails in 13 years. We want to make sure you are still fully satisfied with your purchase. Call me back.”

After receiving the news this morning, I brushed my teeth, showered, put on slacks and a blue buttoned down shirt that I had to iron.

I’m pretty excited about this move for the Pats, although rumors now abound that Amendola’s on his way out to free up more cap space.

Thank you for the correction, someone posted it earlier but the suspension was cut down to 18 months back dated (Just read the article). so yes, he’ll be able to get back in the ring this year.

And stadiums are all different sizes so a ball hit 325 feet in one could be a homerun while the same ball hit in a different park won’t reach the fence.