
Bobby Clarke admitted years later that Carton was right, and that Lindros missed that game because he was hungover. Carton is a douche, but I always found it interesting that he was right in that case.

He’s better than Joe “Am I Elite Yet” Flacco.

Try Army & Navy Surplus.

Yeah, this is very important. In fact, it’s the reason most pasta recipes call for al dente pasta: Because it’ll cook a little more when you finish it in the sauce, and you don’t want it to become soggy and gross.

There’s not a single point in your list that I’d argue with, unfortunately. I guess I’d add that Beast is also a really solid Instagram follow. :)

I think Derrick Lewis is an interesting up-and-comer, one with (a certain type of) charisma to spare. Who could NOT love the “Black Beast”?

I don’t know if this is genuine or just a joke answer, but I swear I heard HJB once say that he gets into character for Bob Belcher by hanging his head and stooping just a bit.

I mean, I’m not saying that there’s no difference at all, I can tell, but they aren’t significantly different. He also does Jimmy Pesto, Jr so he has some range, but yeah considering Deadpool’s character I doubt this voice would be anything too different.

This guy is a professional fighter. He’s a big guy. He’s also likely going to have plenty of commissary. He’ll be fine.

PSA: this is basically Common Core. Can people who are reading this post who have complained about Common Core in the past just stop complaining about Common Core now?

oops...can’t even plame fat fingers so i will plame my keepoard for not having the keys in the brober bostion.

I’m not sure plight means what you think it means

I think it is also a matter of how aggressive dealerships want to advertise. Negotiation and calling around can make a huge difference. It is all a matter of what the car usually trades at. If they can trick enough people to pay 10k more than others, then that’s the market.

Good question....these prices are just a cross section of potential deals that could be had somewhere in the country. In state dealers won’t often price match out of state, but if those out of state deals are really good, shipping a car could be worthwhile.

It’s my contention that the racist/mysoginistic/isolationist vote was always there in force, but the big “con” that Trump pulled was making everyone on the other side believe “there’s no way he can win anyway...” He didn’t fool the fools, he fooled the rest of the country in to a state of malaise.

He even outright said that the goal of 9/11 was to draw America into a long running war of attrition and make the Muslim world resent us.

Never let terrorists change who you are.

“I’m an adult wearing a football jersey! You’re wearing a t-shirt from a team that my team doesn’t like!”

siiiiigh. Silver’s analysis showed Trump as more competitive than literally any other pundit not actively working for Mr. Trump. He was wrong, but he was a hell of a lot less wrong than basically everybody else.

Do yourself a favor and find a store that has fresh ground or allows you to grind your own. You’ll never go back to jarred.