
This is going to require a Primo’s at the very least... .

And with that, Eric Lindros finally got his revenge! Talk about the long con!

Is he the best? No.

If this was Gizmodo, the key takeaway would be that someone else besides me is still using Allo for their messaging!

I know he says that...but I don’t believe him.... but it also doesn’t take away any of my admiration for his talent.

The up close card magic in Ricky Jay and his 52 assistants is about the most amazing card manipulation I have ever seen.

You should be par-boiling the pasta, and then transfering it to a pan with sauce in the pan to cook it the rest of the way while stirring.

This is a good way to kickstart your portable pi plans...

I agree with this in full. I don’t really get what the fuss is about....

Forget all this nonsensical debating that’s happening in the comments section... It’s just white noise to blur out the real question...

Well, you can’t ingest witch hazel, or shouldn’t anyway.... but perhaps applying it liberally to the affected area in a swift rubbing motion may reduce the swelling in time...

RIP Sean P...

Well, again, I’m still not a doctor.. but priapism isn’t a new thing, so I would imagine that this sort of side effect could happen under all sorts of circumstances medically induced or otherwise.... 

Rough non-doctor answer:

Back in my younger days, my cousin and I embarked on a yearly “MoDu” week. (Monster Dump week, yes we were juvenile.). The goal was to find one restaurant a night that had some sort of all you can eat night, but avoid any buffet.

1) If his tattoo is Kuchi Kopi, he’s got himself a new fan.

And how the hell do you call direct intentional knees to the head “unintentional”?

“However, Texas has not adopted the new rules, which means that all three knee strikes were illegal.”

“so you’re offending more than half of us!”

Beast is really good fun. He’s got charm on the mic and because he has cinder blocks in his gloves, he’s always going to be “one hit away” from a victory.