
So I got into a FB debate (shit, I know) about this cover. I am a woman and another woman objected to her be “splayed with her crotch showing in stilettos for the male gaze.” Serena 100 percent art directed this cover, I am sure. She had complete creative control in this situation, and yes, while it is a provocative

Wait Wait Don’t Tell Me — also available as a podcast — can be pretty funny / entertaining.

Murray averaging 3.5 ypc while Mathews is producing 5.7 in the same offense. Maybe playcalling is not the only issue here.

Not to be a complete dick either, but it also means something of little or no practical value or meaning. Hence, an argument of no value or importance (not worth discussing) is a moot point.

AC Green? Russell Wilson? But yes, this is awesome.

What a shock: the Greek guy was planning to recklessly spend money.

It hasn't been as widely reported, but Andy Dalton was also walking gingerly after their game.

Hank Scorpio. Best. Boss. Ever!

You get to keep it. Unless you’re in Chicago and you have to throw it back.

That one was written by Ludlum’s son. Noncanonical! Noncanonical!

Nice aero


Now is my time to shine and I got nothing.

The fact that the engine and suspension aren’t even worth a footnote tells me everything I need to know about this car. It’s an appliance. It’ll sell to people who buy appliances. Wake me if they decide to do an SE-R/SE-R Spec V.

Paul Kariya’s checking rating is too damn high!

“Clearly, the bigger the nets the more goals there are!”

How’d you guys figure out which one of you would be the straight man?

8-1 is perfect. They’re going undefeated, 15-1 this year.

had an overseas stint in the Polish American Football League

So? Who gives a shit if they’re complaining, and since when does complaining get you anything. If I complain that deadspin is offensive, do we take it down?