
Did you take the time to read _ALL_ of the data you had at your disposal? Or did you just pick and choose what you wanted to make some sort of....some sort of... I don’t know point? Were you trying to make a point and compare speeding to driving while you’re capacity for decision making is completely compromised??

Now playing

I usually have a good memory of these things, but you forced me to double check. It was most definitely a right hand that knocked Bisping in to oblivion. Colloquially known as “The H-Bomb”

I debated this in my head for a few minutes! I am guessing he meant blight... but plight does sort of work in context...”a dangerous, difficult, or otherwise unfortunate situation.”

Ohh if the price is right, I would certainly make time. It’s just a matter of trying to get the right price closer to me...

With the size of the discounts, that’s something worth pursuing. Thanks for the advice!

I guess this is a regional thing? I see these sorts of articles on here from time to time. The Taurus SHO from the other day most recently...

I mean, we’re pretty much on the same page with 99% of this. Just nitpicking over some of the nuance...

First, there is no such thing as the best-looking woman at the bar.

There’s some malarkey in your responses here. And some truth, to be fair.

“but if I was a g-ddamned Hitler clone, wouldn’t I look like g-ddamned Hitler?”

This was always OBL’s stated intentions. He was never going to win a physical war. He didn’t have the armament or the people. He knew that. So he set out to completely disrupt our way of life and have us make choices based on fear rather than intelligence.

The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting the same results.

I try my best in this day and age. I know it can be difficult to come by.

I hear you.

Ok. so that’s where I would disagree, but fair enough.

not misinformation to the populace if not driven by the candidate.

People may have changed their mind based on false information, but votes weren’t lost or manipulated.

The (R) are much much better at creating a boogieman and sticking to that.

No one wants to hear your presidential election recap right now!

This is your entire misunderstanding in a nutshell...