
I’m worried about what this means for the site as a whole  

No more highlight reel, now this... Management just trying to suck every last ounce of fun out of this site?

I look at this a bit differently. If a modder creates a mod, they’re basically creating artwork for people to view or to create derivatives of if they so choose. The hosting site, however, isn’t viewing or creating a derivative work; they’re just providing the space for the author to put their work on

What they should do is make collections an opt-in thing. Make collection authors get permission from the individual mods’ creators to make the collection in the first place. 

Patricia Hernandez...? :O Wow, welcome back and congrats on being the new EIC!!!

the new front page is somehow...worse?

Ugh! Every time I see, “Disenchanted,” I think, “Disenchantment,” and hope it’s an announcement for S4.

Nevermind all that, Banshee got lines!

Hey, all, commenting here since this seems to have the largest collection of feedback. We hear you all, this is not just an io9 thing but company wide and I am not happy about it either. We are attempting to get latest back for our page because well, that’s how normal people use the internet and some folks don’t get

This new layout fucking sucks. If you’re going to do this, you at least have to put the newest articles at the top.

Is io9 finished? I’m not going to scroll through every category hunting for new articles. I’m not going to scroll through everything on Gizmodo either.

Well, this sucks. i09 was basically my homepage for 10+ (can’t believe it’s been that long) years. Now that it’s borderline unusable, does anyone have any suggestions for sites that cover similar things? I need a replacement.

Yeah, if I can’t view content by most recent I’ll inevitably stop visiting the site even if I still like the content.  It’s just too hard to navigate.

The hell is this? I don’t go to Gizmodo, I go to io9, and now it’s incomprehensible. Why are you making us have to search for the newest articles? This is terrible website design. Please change it back. Please please please.


Jesus Christ this new site design is awful. Just terrible. Endless scrolling of articles was annoying. This is like a giant middle finger raised to your readers. So if showing contempt for the readers was the goal, well done. Otherwise, no.

This new layout is a load of shít, and very sad to see the domain name retired. Very sad indeed; some of us wanted just the “latest” SCiFi flavoured posts, not all the gizmodo stuff too.

wth is going with io9's layout? It is just rows of categories now.

Uhm, James Whitbrook: