
It’s possible that Netflix’s deal was for a PG-13 space opera movie of a certain length, and Synder blew everything up too much that they had to chop it down.

I like how Cyclops, Rogue, and Shadowcat all went “I’m going home (or to my husband’s home, in Rogue’s case), who’s coming with me?”

I’m not goint to say all or even most of the EU was good, I will say that they shoved it aside so they could then turn around and tell mostly the same stories but worse. Give me Mara Jade and Kyle Katarn and Rogue Squadron and Warlord Zsinj any day.

That’d be a nice change of pace from just being frozen like everyone else. And cyborgs are one of those things that are almost always present in the background of the series but almost never given much prominence.

My read was that she wasn’t necessarily feral, but had been basically so burned and half destroyed by the explosion that this was all that was left of her. Ghouls basically run on zombie logic, so if they don’t take care of themselves like Cooper obviously has, they physically degrade into a mess, but the radiation

That seems my read as well, a real ends-justifies-the-means type. It occurred to me while reading this article that Moldaver may have used the raiders instead of NCR peeps because she didn’t think the civilized folk would go along with her plan.  Or because she didn’t want to “corrupt” them, like she probably feels

I like this story development, but hate the way it was hamfisted into its own one-shot. In the previous issue of Uncanny Spider-man that leads up to this, this moment was set up, and then there was literally an all black page that read “AND THEN THEY TALKED” where the contents of this issue fit in chronologically. And

I’m surprised at the comments thus far. I was never suspicious that the Armorer would make a heel turn or a sudden betrayal - but I did expect her to become a antagonist precisely because she was inflexible and unable to change. The way the first season portrays her as staunch traditionalist in what amounts to an

Chandler’s Wendy who is a hybrid, a meta-human who has the brain and consciousness of a child but the body of an adult.

I’ve also seen Liev Shreiber suggested as a replacement, which I don’t think I’d hate.

Yeah, I can back all of that.  I actually wouldn’t mind a good take on Apocalypse that properly integrates him into the overall mythology rather than being a one off villain, though.

For some reason, they’ve been obsessed for many games with randomly generated content. They think it’s some magic formula that will give gamers infinite content to play (and ease some of their burden in creating it, now doubt).

At least they need someone to do a pass on the scripts.  The amount of just straight-out cliches in dialogue is doing me in.  Enemy of my enemy, prepare for the/hope for the, etc.  It’s like writer 101 to jazz those statements up a little with some originality.

So this is going to be a endless loop, right?  Ultimate Universe exists, until a big cross-over destroys it when sales go down!  But then nostalgia rises, and the Ultimate Universe exists again!  Repeat forever.

The best thing about Courtship of Princess Leia is when Aaron Allston went back and wrote Han’s military campaign against Warlord Zsinj that leads up to this book in the Wraith Squadron series.

The first two look pretty good (especially the one for TLJ actually, I like that one).  The one for Rise of Skywalker looks like the book cover for one of the old EU books.  One of the old, old ones, when stuff like the Crystal Star would come out, and the plot was “Uh, Emperor clone, and new super weapon fleet, and

I ignored these until I started spending more time in highly dangerous environments. There was one planet in particular that was so cold and had such a corrosive atmosphere that I was frostbitten and covered in burns halfway through my mission. I limped through that one (literally, as that’s one of the injuries you

This is exactly the same idea as last time, to bring the kids forward to show their older versions that they suck.  (Granted, they suck more now, or at least Beast sucks more enough for all 5 of them), but that plot idea quickly lost steam and then they were just around for like 5 years until Kid Cable showed up to

Yeah, and on PC you can hit I to go directly to your inventory, then I to close it again.

Hmm, game looks the same, cutscenes actually look worse.  What’s up with that?