
Sorry, I meant apparently they had regretted it immediately after jumping.

“Fun” fact: 100% of the people who have jumped from the golden gate bridge and survived regretted the decision as soon as they jumped.  Kinda goes to show how upon further reflection it isn’t worth it.

I agree with what has been said here, there are a few issues with this:

Another level-headed and eloquent responseMaybe I was being a bit optimistic when I guessed you were a lawyer.

That technically isn’t a thing. There is no X seconds rule to not get sued/have to pay. Also this is played by the band it’s all good. You really only have to worry if it is an original recording or you’re selling your cover.

They totally knew, not only from the photos on my desk and my social media, but from my former college teammate coming to our office to show us her medal from the Olympics.

And yet you respond to zero of my point or questions, after like 5 posts? Even just a simple, “Oh yeah they totally knew. We talked about it before”, would have made me say “Oh shit, that sucks. I’m sorry that happened! But yet you didn’t, the most obvious reason would be because there is none.

+1 Nice reply. Although a bit unsatisfying since I agree with most of what you said. Where’s the fun in that?? =)

Oh, I don’t like mcdonalds either. I just think that it is an assholey thing to try take away from the enjoyment people derive from something that has no effect on them. Some people like Mcdonalds, or DC movies, or certain sex acts. To walk up to someone and go “Hey, that thing you like is dumb (and you are too for

What they do with their money is out there. Almost all of the money goes to the drivers. They took in 37 billion, and the drivers got about 30 billion of it. A large portion of their 7 billion is spent on things like “driver incentives”.

Don’t “Yuk” other people’s “Yum”. Why be an asshole?

Don’t “Yuk” other people’s “Yum”.  Why be an asshole?

I never said it wasn’t what you think. I don’t know, but in reality neither do you. Were you there during the planning of the thing? Do you know how often this happens?

No offense taken. My the first line was supposed to be mostly a joke.

Yes, this happens in general and it is shitty. I was not speaking to business in general. I was speaking mostly about the anecdote you shared. Did they know you played the sport? Do you still play the sport? Do you join in the conversations when it comes up? Are you a part of the fantasy league? etc.

lol. I’m not sure if I should be complimented or insulted. I’ll go with yes.

Shrug. It’s tough. People get along better with certain other people. There can be a lot of factors. Also having even 1 female around changes the dynamic, suddenly you have to be a lot more careful of what you say or the jokes you make. Also, sometimes it can be a “thing” to some significant others if there is anyone

Shrug. You do you. I normally like to go by Hanlon’s razor:Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity.

Did you approach them and say ~“Hey, you guys playing X this weekend? I played that in college and I could totally kick your ass. When are we playing?”

This seems like a new level of “uncanny valley”. There are 2 acceptable versions of The Avengers. Cartoons and the MCU actors. By just making them look a little like the movie actors, every time you see a face you are expecting to see RDJ, Evans, SJ, etc. But you get the stunt doubles. It just looks weird.