
It’s a good thing that the gauntlet didn’t dust her, that would have been pretty anti-climatic (and an awesome troll)...

FYI, the video doesn’t load for me on Chrome. I had to go to YouTube to see it.

*roll eyes* Generally cops don’t get paid admin leave for stuff they do off duty. If they are charged, they are generally fired. If they are found not guilty they can try to get their job back (often with back-pay).

Umm... Excuse me.   What is god’s name was it made out of??

A) This is interesting since I made that post a month ago, I guess a similar sale came back and the just “refreshed” the article
B) It wasn’t there when I made my post (1-30-19), but of course they stealth fixed it making me look like an idiot. I double checked this a month ago and this article had 2 entries in my RSS

A) This is interesting since I made that post a month ago, I guess a similar sale came back and the just “refreshed”

Yeah, this guy should be fired. Normally I’m not for the e-witch hunts that goes on these days. But he knew exactly what they were like, it was in his disclaimer about the AMA, he was warned about before the AMA started, and many of the questions that made this apparent. Instead he agreed with them and continued it.

I feel like if this game came from any other developer it would have been much better received. Bioware has one of the best GoodGames/GamesMade ratios (Maybe Blizzard would be the only one higher), only marred by Mass Effect Andromeda.

This isn’t a black vs white thing. This is how it has always been been. You have the right to face your accuser, when the cop sees it, they can be it. Otherwise someone has to make a report.

Not having 6 face buttons seems like a waste, especially if they are marketing it for fighting game players. Also, they should have ditched the second VMU port since you never really needed two. They could have even built in the rumble pack as a virtual 2nd slot item.

This makes sense, if flying factored in gravity it seems like it would be a lot more difficult to fly since you would constantly have to adjust things. Having more thrust but you were pulled down at 9.8m/s would mean you are always flying “up” even when you want to go straight. But if you wanted to fly straight up it

1) Loading times were the first thing addressed in the Day1 Patch Notes.
2) The early access of the game was obviously a soft-beta. People who chose to and were able to log in during that time were being guinea pigs.
3) Puting brand new AAA games on SSD is generally thought of as a good idea.
4) Since it was

That is complete bullshit.

Because it costs society. Healthcare costs are generally averaged out over everyone.

Kinda, if someone has a chronic alcohol problem (which is equivalent to someone being obese). That is something that should be addressed.

Whoops!  Turns out the electric slide was issued one.  I stand corrected!

Do you have a source for that? I know that small dances are normally denied, the moonwalk,the macarena, and the electric slide were all rejected.

I’m apart of a union, and for certain industries I think it makes sense. But I don’t think it would work for game/software development. If only because there are sooo many people graduating with degrees, it would always be easy to go, “ok, we’ll push the release of this game back 6-12 month, and high all new people. A

No, rail is a bad idea. First our country is way to big for any sort of large rail system. Honolulu is having tons of problems with their rain construction, California just announced they are drastically cut back on the size of their current rail project.

Are negative stars a thing?

Epic is right, even if they straight copied it. You can’t copyright simple dance steps or “social dance steps and simple routines”.