
If this guy were a flight attendant Lena Dunham would totally get him fired.

I actually didn't mind the character too much. I mean they had to take it in a different direction from Marion, a young Goldie Hawn would have nailed it.

“It was too dark, too subterranean, and much too horrific"

I never said I didn't. Though after our initial exchange I felt no need to track him down.

When you start with "No one cares about your opinion" you've already betrayed yourself. Obviously a person who doesn't care, doesn't respond. And the original post was barely an opinion to begin with. He's sore about a previous exchange. Proving that he does in fact care, too much.

Not even slightly annoyed. Not a bit. I have to hand it to you. Cool, calm and collected.

Yeah you don't sound the least bit bothered at all.

And yet you keep responding… I'm waiting for a "BLOCKED" message. I live for those.

It's projection.

“until cis people—especially heteronormative men—are able to interrogate their own toxic masculinity and realize their own gender performance is literally killing trans women, cis men will continue to persecute trans women and blame them for their own deaths.”

"I see Mike Tyson as too strong for Spinks." - Gerry Cooney, a wise man.

What's the use of being Irish if you can't be thick? - Billy Conn

Perhaps not, but you can't really blame me, you see my ancestral culture was mostly stamped out a few centuries ago. I have to make due with the colonizers language and culture now. It's an everyday struggle.

So now Liberia's problem is that the Europeans left the other parts of Africa? BTW Have you ever seen a time lapse map of Europe? All borders are arbitrary and history is simply a bloody record of the movements of tribes. Although now we're told diversity is good thing.

What country started from ideal circumstances? If Liberia had a golden age it was in the 1950s when there were still quite a few European colonies about.

Well those were the most notable empires that occupied that territory. The Liberia Republic was established about 200 years ago, some 60 years before the so-called Scramble for Africa took place

Are you referring to the Western Sudanic Mali Empire or the Songhai Empire?

I had a similar idea for a show, except it was going to be set in Africa and called "Liberia"

As ever, Hollywood is a pageant of the transmundane.

The Trump White House doesn't remind me so much of WWF wrestling in the ‘80s (although that is the first time I ever remember seeing Trump) as much as pro-wrestling now. In the 80s you had more clear cut heels and faces, obviously wrestlers could switch roles when needed, but generally you were supposed to root for