
That Adam Sandler makes more than minimum wage is the real outrage here.

I think Huffpo spoke for the media when they said "Goy, Bye"

It's time, the passion was gone. They'd just been going through the motions for years.

They should kick off Macklemore. I know he's denounced his former haircut, but I want to see how far he can be pushed.

They're antiques at this point, for true connoisseurs you'll have to travel to nursing homes in Argentina to find something authentic, don't accept chintzy modern knock-offs.

"Even if 1 percent of the American people are on the Nazi side, that’s still too fucking many."

Well he is history's greatest monster.

This is certainly a nice gesture, though I'm not sure The Man in Black would agree with that opening sentence. Cash was more committed to his color of choice, though I guess there's a lot more competition for Black.

I'd like to see this movie, but seriously are there no male American actors under 35 now? Is Miles Teller really our last hope?

"It’s an influential movie in all the wrong possible ways. It’s our Birth Of A Nation."

Another addition of hunting for Hollywood heretics. I thought we were blaming South Park for the rise of the Alt-Right? But hey carry on, you'll find the wrongthink culprit eventually, I mean it couldn't possibly be a more general reaction against the bland PC monoculture, right?

One day "what did the M in MTV originally stand for" will be a decent pub-trivia question. If that's not already the case.

You know that's Might Mighty Bosstones? Can't tell if this ironic.

I mean maybe NK should nuke us.

One of the best action films of the decade. Better than John Wick.

I don't think she's interested in acceptance so much as challenging popular perceptions of gender. Jill's decision about her identity appears to be ideologically driven.…

Important to remember that Jill Soloway decided she was gender non-conforming all of about year ago at the age of 50. And now she's offended about a sketch that came out when she was in college? I suspect Soloway's realization has less to do with a deep seated conditional identity and more to do with a flaky artist

I like the idea that Soloway considers Pat "propaganda" so it's not simply insensitive, she thinks the actual intent of the sketch was to set back the movement. She might as well call Julia Sweeney "Hitler".

You could bring back Pat for the sketch, or maybe have a group of campus activists interrogate Pat about Pat's identity. A lot of possibilities. Julia Sweeney could use the work.

Ironically, a panel about thin-skinned serious artists getting worked up over an innocuous, nearly forgotten sketch would actually make a good premise for a contemporary comedy sketch. Too bad SNL would never have the balls to do it.