
I never really read her much, but I agree with her take on Infinite Jest, it's the work of brilliant writer just showing off all that he can do, but ultimately just spinning his wheels.

Near Dark deserves more love. Fantastic performances all around, especially from Bill Paxton.

The full new name is actually Coke Zero Sugar, Sugar Which Is Bad For You Unless You Like The Taste Of Real Coke And Don't Mind Losing A Foot.

"Bigelow is an outlier among the American filmmakers of her generation, not because she’s a woman who mostly makes movies about men, but because she has a serious background in semiotics-focused, theory-intensive, deconstructionist 1970s film and arts studies"

Right/Left constructs can only go so far… and we are looking at it from different starting points. French conservatives are more interested in preserving the state and American conservatives/ Libertarians want to destroy it. Le Pen is often characterized as "far right" but she would be considered economically on Left

"But what the guy is doing to core concepts (like truth and reality) is kinda a big deal."

"Man, what a cop out. South Park has already spent the past 20 years being CNN for its CNN-hating audience… —feels especially disingenuous, and suspiciously like caving to the young, Trump-loving fans with whom they have forged such an uneasy relationship."

I'm sure there is a range of opinions on fiscal matters, but in terms of social views virtually everyone at CNN and NYT is solidly on the Left. You're simply not going to find a lot church-going Baptist hunters at either place.

I think you're coming at this from a far Left perspective, very few self described conservatives would count CNN, the New York Times and the rest of the mainstream media among their allies.

The thing about the Left is they have so completely dominated the culture war that there's little room for satire that isn't aimed at them. South Park did an episode about Mel Gibson, but him and Clint Eastwood are pretty much the last people left in Hollywood that could be considered right wing. Conservatives are

Only other NYC media people lament the death of Gawker

I agree with you on the need for a star for these types of expensive epics to succeed, but there aren't a lot of bankable young male leads these days. If this had been an American movie they would have put Miles Teller in it and it would have bombed even worse.

"The shit is alive and real today. I think people have got to stop pretending that slavery was something that happened and went away. The shit is affecting people in the present day."

I don't think the writer really makes the case that the subject has been beaten to death. The premise has been explored in a few obscure books and a little seen satirical film. That said I'm not terribly interested in what I expect to be a ham-fisted award bait series.

" I've never figured out why a millennial/hipster audience embraced this guy in the last few years"
Never underestimate the power of dwarves. People fucking love dwarves.

RIP seems inappropriate for the godfather of zombies. But a great man whose legacy will outlive us all.

Well his career has definitely taken a slide ever since he broke his wrist drunk driving while filming Transformers and held up production. Hollywood will put up with all sorts of bad behavior until you starting costing them money.

I feel like whenever an actor's career starts to spiral, their reputation as an actor actually gets a bump. "He had so much potential" and so on. Well Shia's movies were terrible and in some ways I think that's what's fueling his self destructive behavior, the adolescent craving for credibility. He's a decent actor,

A decent resemblance, but Waltz is 60 and Polanski would have been in his early 30s.

I wish Tarantino and Pitt were working on a film about Floyd from True Romance. I would watch an entire series about that dude.