
My dad built a bar in the basement of our house for parties (didn’t plumb it, but he finished the wood really nicely, had a friend sew a black vinyl bumper for the edge, mirror tiles on the wall and a revolving light with “Bar Open” on it). My favorite thing to do when I was little was climb up the kitchen cabinet to

Thanks for the info—I thought it might be something along those lines.

That’s some deep bullshit to wade thru...

NONE of us are sure how we survived the ‘70s. Broke a bone? WALK IT OFF IT’S NOT THAT BAD (Dad literally told me this when I broke my collarbone. When I woke up the next day shrieking in pain he shrugged and told Mom to take me to the doctor). Mercurochrome on EVERY scrape (because the mercury in it isn’t that bad????)

My dad would get the JC Whitney catalog (auto parts) when I was growing up, and when I was bored I’d obsess over what style windows I’d put in, what after-market accessories I’d like, etc, and I even bought a book from the Schoolastic catalog of van styling. It’s amazing what some folks did to customize their rides

One of these tricked-out vans was my dream vehicle. When I was 12. In 1978.

I know that many tribes are sensitive about who claims to be a memeber, which was part of Warren’s issue. In some cases I believe its less a ‘blood quantum’ or percentage issue as a cultural one.

While I’m not from Oklahoma, I spent a lot of time down there for my job (FAA Academy, yo). Got to know more than a few folks down there who claimed native ancestry without actually being an enrolled tribal member, so my reaction to Warren initially was similar to yours.

That being said—I managed to go to Red Earth

Same. After watching what my brother-in-law went through? Party until I fucking drop.

I lost my brother-in-law 20 years ago this coming Christmas. It’s horrible. **HUGS** Keeping hope alive for Mr. Trebek re: new treatment options.

After her cool-as-a-cucumber interview with R. Kelly? Gayle deserves ALL THE MONEY. PERIOD. 

Momoa was a presenter.

Awwww! Gib him cold cream yums!

Handsome baby!

I don’t disagree with you re: security theater. But a lot of civilians would still look at that and panic...and that would ripple. But hey, the flu hit LaGuardia Friday morning, so...yeah.

YUP. We can only hold out for so long. TSA is the canary in the coal mine, imo, since their pay is crap. And I wouldn’t be surprised if a lot of controllers and tech ops decide to drop their retirement paperwork as soon as they’re able.

The average civilian just does not understand how much training goes into our

THIS. I’m tech ops (I monitor and certify ATC systems at a center); ATC rotates shifts as well, in order to a/be equitable in pay b/keep current on all procedures (which can change depending on weather, day or night time, traffic levels, etc). I also rotate my schedule, as I can only do certain certifications on the

My agency (the FAA) refers to employees as either excepted (meaning you work without pay--this covers ATC and the tech ops folks that maintain equipment) and non-excepted (meaning everyone else out on furlough: admin staff, training, contractors, etc etc)

As someone who was repeatedly harassed when working at a fast food joint, once to the point of being half-dragged out of the drive-thru window? SHE IS MY NEW HERO.

This whole thread is giving me life...Bravo, everyone!