You’re a size doesn’t matter guy.
You’re a size doesn’t matter guy.
He’ll make the Raiders Nation Great Again!
The Cosby Show!
So what your saying is you’re not currently in a relationship and no one has invited you to a New Years party so you are going to poo poo everyone’s ringing in the new year. Real mature.
A mime and s a terrible thing to waste
Should have had Cream playing in the background.
Can’t disagree with anything here - it just comes across very pompous.
Did the stink cling to her or is she the stink itself?
And they’re huge let me tell you. You’re going to like it.
Id love to help I need a car to get to work but no money to get one.
I’m hoping this person responds after the wedding. I’d like to hear that it was dealt with without ruining the event
After my second year of college I stopped buying text books. Almost all classes tested on lecture and textbooks were available through friends and the library.
Im taking Irma and the points.
So move the game to USVI as a fundraiser.
Quick easy healthy foods that taste good and use minimal gadgets. Trust me not easy to do. I shall give you a bone. Maybe I can start with store bought naan
Midwest - got up the 68 today. We haven’t had a day over 80 since late July. Yep sweating.
Damn I was hoping for new quick and easy meals. Lost me after mixing with a dough hook. How about easy meals for those without kitchen gadgets. 😩