
Horseshit. The best bartenders at the establishments I frequent make between $400-700 a night in tips. The restaurants would never be able to afford that sort of compensation, and the profit motive that "tip culture" encourages is probably what encourages the best bartenders to become the best bartenders, and not

Talk to an excellent bartender or waitress at a cheap, but busy, establishment about how "terrible" our tipping culture is. A hard-working, personable, individual at such a bar/restaurant can make an unbelievable sum of money.

"Muslims were ranked at the bottom with 40. "

We already spend more money per pupil than every other nation on Earth. He might be an idiot, but more money isn't the answer.


"Hotness is more than a number on a scale."

Guys never get things for free unless they know somebody.

Can we stop with headlines of this sort?

To paraphrase CC, you're never hurt by what you don't say!

Hey, that's exactly what I said! He must have been pretty damn awesome if two people discuss him on a Gawker article.

"Can you name any commander-in-chief other than MAYBE Clinton who nails that moment? "

So arrogant. This is just progressive dogma.

Lick my taint.

I don't have white feelings. I'm a human. Insofar as I even have feelings, I have them based on my humanity and my individuality. Stop othering.

True, aren't white people just the worst?

Ugh, your white guilt is showing.

What? No. YOU are one of those people who sees color, and only color. I see individuals, of a variety of skin tones and complexions.

Empires have emanated from every corner of the earth in human history. To pretend that it is something exclusive to England is delusional. The Japanese tried to take over the world. Islamic Caliphates have tried to take over the world. Native American, Persia, and Indian, empires have existed and the wealthiest

I abhor racism, and all forms of collectivism. Incidentally, your entire world view is predicated on collectivist grouping and othering of people.

Yawn. Typical Gawker Progressive nonsense.